Wednesday, April 27, 2011

experts say

Ship. Water. Sharks - house! house!Pirates. Ship. Water. Shark
mm house! House!
was to purchase a house, I asked: method to bear, do not purchase it, no house to live in alarm of higher hereafter inflation. Also, the fear of tickets in the hands of Mao that point, later inflation, devaluation, let lonely buy a house, living on the avenue have the possibility. ;
I am no economist, nor a real estate critic, professional people who engage in the daytime also lost 3 of five do, not to advert those of us ordinary people, are developers and the government threw baton Huyou , and not help you do not buy Shui to also thank the people, but also once again to buy a wheelchair for his comprehension issues that do not have to sit the body is not paralyzed. the real estate market is really a smoke, or a mist , Mo Buzhun, disturb. person factors also much into the hands too much. market in the mutilated state of the entire.
So, the idea of ​​the people is the final utmost, then the experts are shit, the Government does not talk credit, also regardless of the people live or dead. then, is to hike according to their own judgments it, fall into the trench, then wrong luck to forget while asked for admission.
accordance with normal market logic, all entities are in accordance with the parabolic in the fashion of evolution, by the time the goods, must emulate the most basic laws of the market goods. the stock market so, real estate is so,shanghai escort, the cause people understand approximately the.
But China's real estate is not the circumstance, it seems that a magnificent kin the daughter or the young main, ordinary people, For the developers and the government, some places are excitement. hyperactivity, absence of kidneys. obtaining younger, and work pressure are the downtown real estate, in array to house, in order to survive, one-third of an acre of floor in the desperately hard work, honestly acquired that several chink of coins, and then ambition to have a kennel, housing up and proceed to health but was completely looted attribute. Therefore, the size of the media that the premier of life is constantly fearful, taught automobile, high morale of the people annihilated early in the are right, but pragmatic? is not a renowned economist, also said the peregrination rush to the train should be in accordance with the laws of the market price? He never ride the exercise so he let him take a train migrant workers and those who attempt, alternatively make him not a cent for his long voyage to see he does not talk rubbish! why the real estate so that he does not all over to wail to be in consensus with the decrees of the market and not apparent pair intervention in the hand, he challenged to do?
If people are Investment speculators is the ; scalding, killing and looting, a wash One can imagine the color of the sea. this predatory clean the contaminated sea, and work under a violent sea. not a want, not the sea, where's the pirates? no water, but where's the boat? What is the role of water? What is the role the warship? What is the role of pirates? in the end the water to aid the Pirates and then to assist the boat? or pirates and the warship ; drips, as an ordinary inhabitant, , sleeping, when it can hear?
us up and sing melody immediately, I hope this is not illusion but reality.
hope that our public sentiment is to enjoy their families, society can be agreeable, well-being of the human to the state is promoted. it will no be anyone aggression against exotic aggressors the means of conquest and suppression. thin a hurry off their trail, the more it benefits from the people and more far, the people's interests, the consequences ambition be what our government ought not be a short-sighted businessmen, the government should be clear.
bus has a quite eye-catching public service ads, is charted for government charted to promote: the do it. Just as we promote this community that everyone loves him, and he has left us very far patriotic.
numerous countries, government is the service for the people, and our nation is just the people to government services. What we if the government really do someone for the people out?!
Information Index:
1, China's cost earnings ratio namely 3 apt 6 periods namely of developed countries, housing rental ratio (per square measure of usable zone of ​​the month hire and house prices per square meter of layer area ratio of among) extra than 400 periods, while the internationally adopted regular scope of 200 to 300 times.
2, present, Shanghai has 13 real estate sales prices exceed 10 yuan / square meter, around Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing and other cities the price of 3 yuan / square meters of projects abound, which are reflected in the severity of the real estate bubble.
3,1979 the meteorological and energy, Jiangsu Banking Regulatory Bureau Board longer than the naval educate that is more serious than the foam itself, is the lack of an efficient machinery for prohibition of bubble and social motivation. inhibiting the real estate bubble chiefly depend on the government's suppression of market speculation, Singapore, United Kingdom, Sweden and other countries have effective measures to restrain housing prices. one-sided knowing of some local the elementary approximate, and accordingly disallow the presentation of the real estate bubble has been the lack of social power, leading to 1993, from 2006 to 2007, 2009, the cyclical real estate bubble.
4, experts say, asset bubbles always burst countries in the earth without exception. from the United States the Internet bubble and the real estate bubble position, the duration of the bubble is often longer than people expected, but the bubble burst much faster than people expected.
5, the present economy has at present stabilized, the global economy is still inert period in the case of asset bubble, for China, not the Gospel. bubble accelerating expansion of the financial policy presently after the adjustment, social expectations alteration, the bubble could burst by any time, will move the positiveness of the market, family wealth detriment and detriment of assets of fiscal institutions will seriously influence the economy recovery.
6, a, ;; c, better than, the problem is completely opposed to fashionable faith, is not far away. in the location and interests, and real estate will be assembly, and deviates from the people. Any businessmen are mercenary, the opener is in the government if the benefits or dwindle its become a great, for the government has a lot of resources and means to play a role. the government would have a public service, if a deviation from this character,toronto escorts, causing great impair.
8, and adept analysis aboard the manufacture, skyrocketing housing prices in the Government bears can not shirk responsibility. regional government for the corruption in, have transform the paste that union.

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