Thursday, April 28, 2011

bulk of edible susceptivity in infants and youth children

Zhao Liying
food allergy nigh the allergies are increased, food allergy onset more people, especially in recent years more and more manifest and more episodes immediately, but you will not startle you, the people themselves is omnivorous Oh, what the ecology is to eat, and how some people can eat everything, some people will not do it. and what can be depicted as strange allergies, and what have.
was abhorrent to crabs, eating After the crab allergy, the face, neck and the breath of the rash, itching intolerable, long period to go; have a baby, my mommy did not breast, he was averse to milk, a man-made problem solving muddled children to eat off their feet; there are extra terrible, the aged by home unattended, oranges allergies, and home to send him behind to the hospital, in the end did not rescue came; there hh
of mustard allergy food allergy what is it?
food susceptivity, that namely, Food allergy namely a special kind of ailment. layman's terms, refers to some people after eating a definite food, causing a body tissue, an organ, alternatively even the lusty repercussion of the body, resulting in a kind of dysfunction or tissue mar.
on food allergy is an abnormal physical, harmless things in the body becomes fed up with something adverse. From a medical outlook, there are people allergic gastrointestinal function than physical poor, the higher the permeability of the intestinal wall, easily digested food in the protein is not instantly absorbed into the body, so they transform a kind of variant protein antigens to stimulate the body to produce antibodies, antibody material while re-entering the allergens mmm allergy occurs when the human body.
why the people food allergies occur?
intake of food allergy is the body of food, the body of their eccentric immune response occurred, resulting in physiological dysfunction, triggering a sequence of clinical omens. The most apparent declaration is the skin, such as skin congestion, eczema, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, and so on. gastrointestinal tract omens are also many penetrate, such as nausea, spewing, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. Some also expressed in the nervous system, such as headache, dizziness, severe anaphylactic impact may occur, blood pressure dripped dramatically, wastage of feeling, shortness of inhalation, even if to retention her life was in danger.
food allergy is not such as food poisoning, allergies often do not attention about content. Some submerge will not work. in the accident of severe food allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock, obtain emergency phone to activity, so the patient lying down, shortness of breath whether the patient, if I were you, to behave artificial breath.
the environmental causes of food allergy occurs are those who do?
the elapse, the standard of living is low, food is relatively simple, less incidence of food allergy, but the development of modern life makes people many rich food varieties, satisfy the appetite, but also face more risk for allergic reactions that people have access to the past is difficult to see the food; past many obvious local food, and now the convenient transmission has long been a regional crash; many characteristic seasonal foods, and now raising technology, cultivation techniques and advances in arsenal technology not only erased fresh seasonal time, but also can cache pile up asset. transport manufacture adult more so many foreign food Piaoyang harbor came to China; a variety of advantage foods, false food is infinite; deserving to the current extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and irrigation water and harvest growth and environmental pollution, animal feed containing more hybrid use of allergens material and other elements, so that in recent years in the food allergic material composition increases, the population has also increased the chance of food allergy occurs. this position, are so at home and overseas. And the most bothersome is that, in mandate to nail the allergy malefactor l r more difficult. I have a friend of food allergies, forever starting something like a red dot, I went to skin expert hospital in Tianjin, made over three hundred kinds of food allergies Allergy testing to find the source.
those who are more easy allergy it?
bulk of food allergy in infants and young children, students, adults less, the proportion was: 10% of infants, 45% of children three years old, children 2 to 3%, adults 1 to 2%. Food allergies vary, a crowd of food threaten to cause an allergic reaction is not the same. clinical discoveries, infancy, allergic foods are milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc.; adulthood or allergic foods fish, nuts, peanuts, seafood and crustaceans (such as shrimps and crabs) and so on.
Chinese have What, I am terrified that not one can say all, let's take a look. medicine has always attached large magnitude to the relationship between fat and disease thing to eat during the Chinese are generally required to avoid certain food, but Ji-fat diet is the main thing. According to legend, the first Ming throne When the emperor after the founding of meritorious will intensify damage minister, Marshal Xu Da suffering from a a, Xu Daming understand these hateful, but challenged not violate the Prince of life, had to eat on the spot, and soon, Xu Da, br> doctors Qinbo not in the fever may be, commonly known as fat objects.
material is essentially made after ingestion of certain foods can cause repetition of traditional illnesses and current ailment weight. made a wide range of objects, occasionally food is seen to be made Hunxing material. < br> representation by portly objects into six categories:
a fever thing, scallion, ginger, pepper, pepper, lamb, dog, etc.;
2 things because the hair manner, such for shrimp, crab, Hong mushroom, goose, egg, Chunya, etc.;
three things hot and humid for the hair, such as caramel, sticky rice, pork, etc.;
IV graph for the cold things, such as watermelon, pear, persimmon, and other chilly of the merchandise;
five things for the fire of blood, such as hot pepper, arrowhead and pepper;
made six for the stagnation of qi, such as a lamb, lotus seed,beijing massage, Gorgon fruit, etc..
Chinese medicine treatment can not be separated diagnosis and treatment, taboos can not bypass the Watermelon, Sydney, bananas; heat syndrome meet pate redness, fever, hemorrhoids in blood, insomnia, upset those not eat ginger, pepper, garlic oil works and so on. astute hepatitis, patients exhausted of thick yellow tongue coating, full breast and stomach swelling, anorexia do not eat, red yellow urine, which is peppery and moist as heaviness, should avoid eating greasy foods and spicy food, nourishing dry and peppery products; belly patients should avoid flatulence beans, potato, potatoes, etc.: coronary heart disease, high blood pressure , hyperlipidemia should avoid fatty beef, butter, animal offal, eggs, bone essence, etc.; good hair sore, boil, boil, the more the poison caused by the fiery, where the goods are in the fatty spicy taboo account.
by the personal sector experience, lamb, Zhu Tourou, Pig, Goose is recognized by the , not Yichi, or will relapse. on the goose, trotters has made lactation, achieve sore, but sore early Jifu.
genetic food played a major character in allergies. In a quite amusing clinical findings: those with caustic allergies, aggregate in his family to detect a cluster of allergies, pollen allergies may be mother, father with asthma, allergic rhinitis, Grandma. study base that the parents have any allergies, children's allergies disease incidence was 37%, when either parents, and kid, the incidence is as high as 62%. of course, allergies do not necessarily disapprove of the surroundings if it were not for encountered in the daytime after morrow will be allergic, or outward. about 8% of the children food allergy occurs, many higher than adults. children, especially babies and children stunting gastrointestinal mucosal protective barrier, not the essay of the food will selectively preoccupy, so early childhood disposed to food allergies. investigating showed that 3 years of age in babies simple to allergies, 1 year antique at the most, 4 to 6 months for the high incidence of age; 4 months supplementary food for infants and youth children, allergy hazard than afterward joined complementary feeding are higher. People have food variety, zone, season, individual dietary habits are another, the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy is tough there.
hindrance of food allergy have to 1st identify the , some unexpected food allergies to allergens perplexed. The doctor will help patients of allergens, detailed history; if I were you, patients will write a detailed food memo; sometimes done through the blood test to decide ; sometimes can do train, the experts concluded that obstruction of food allergy, or governance, food allergies, the most simple, economical and efficacious direction is to avoid ingestion of allergenic foods. avoid eating always foods containing milk, such as ice cream, ice lotion, cakes and so on. In increase, some food, do not eat, smell or touch can also cause allergic reactions. Some people meet a certain smell or food allergies will be, should avoid adjoin.
, try to use goat's milk, mare's milk, just abouty milk hardly evermething with instead. , fjust aboutme raw fruits and allergies cool, you can boil the fruit, try cooked food.
allergy can vary. Some people fed up with certain food a child, growing up is not allergic. Some people a period of time a food allergy, is not averse to after three to five years. For a higher nutritional merit and constantly need to eat food, you can shirk eating three to five years later, a small measure to try to eat, the use of desensitization treatment slowly addition the volume. so after a period of exercising, some people may be competent to approach the expense of ordinary people.
food allergy may start in the fetal period,toronto escort, experts recommend that family history of allergy, women do not allergic diseases of pregnancy. during pregnancy and lactation should be noted that a restricted diet,the inconsistency may be a nice line., Eat allergenic food. the improvement of breastfeeding, breastfeeding in reducing infant allergies is very important. solid food, added the best in children 6 months after and avoid adding too early in the infant food in the peanuts,toronto asian escort, soybeans and animal food.
Health Tips: vacations at home will be arranged to some melon seeds, peanuts, pistachios and other nuts, snacks, entertaining guests or family to enjoy themselves, However, there are some members of the public after the Spring Festival in before years because the savory snacks and ran to the hospital, either because these people eating peanuts and nuts made
allergies Allergy
nursed back to health decree allows the body's red meat lower quality, larger body. This lack of vitality of red blood cells, lightly broken. by such low-quality red blood cell composition of the human body, the normal aptitude to adjust and domesticate functions greatly disabled, with milk, eggs, protein particles, lightly from penetrate the intestinal wall into the blood, the formation of histamine, 5 m averse to serotonin and other toxins, stimulate the body to produce allergic reactions, so that expansion of marginal blood containers cause skin irritation.
then, is not merely from the exclusion of animal food diet can humans disapprove of physical relief from the embarrassment? Of course not, for animal foods is to protect the main source of many momentous nutrients, complete restriction is nor likely nor necessary.
this, scientists of the pill are: reducing the number of beast food intake, eat more brown rice, vegetables, can make the allergic constitution be enhanced. Here the mystery of the brown rice, vegetables, ruddy blood compartments to patronize vitality, nor the variant protein into the bloodstream, it tin prevent atopic dermatitis. Japanese experts have too developed a food prescription, such as the millet, barnyard grass as the main raw substance of cakes, wheat flour, and Note that a balanced diet, eat fewer oily, sweet and spicy food, tobacco, liquor and so aboard. some food allergens is too necessary to pay attention to distinguish them. eat vitamin-rich foods can promote the immune capability. According to nutritionist research, such as onions and garlic include anti-inflammatory compounds can discourage the occurrence of allergies. Another variety of vegetables and fruits can likewise be resistance to allergies, containing broccoli and citrus effects were particularly amazing. in health food and garlic grape seed oil allergic feedback is a nice thing. may hope to use.
dietary management is the focus of treatment, but is important to avoid food allergy community. and for early childhood, even need more attention, because infants and young children are the most rapid growth period,guangzhou massage, the necessary vigor, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals intake is very important, therefore, can use alternative food or other food to make up. there are other considerations:
1. avoid secluded food allergens: Do not eat raw food identification was lacking, illegible food
2. eat less processed food
3. eat fresh seafood: fresh seafood will not breed bacteria enhance the decomposition of protein to improve the concentration of carcinogenic materials such as histamine, more possible to cause allergies. Even healthy people may also be averse to eat.
4. who had a solemn allergic reaction, most narcotics ought carry advising bracelet or necklace machine , and let friends and family are aware of their history, in circumstance of emergency.
view other allergies with allergic disease
people at age framework changes, possible food allergy, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma and other symptoms. However, not everyone will experience these symptoms it is important to retard regularly to see the status of the body. infant food allergy is about always combined with atopic dermatitis, but it occurred after the food in early childhood not necessarily associated with allergy and atopic dermatitis. food allergy combined in patients with atopic dermatitis, the two will have a person in asthma symptoms.
Postscript: the day I read an treatise abroad, to the effect that if the grandmother does not like to eat the food there, the women generally do not like it, but deliberately do not eat, to the granddaughter of this generation, will become allergic because of genetic defects. genes is very important and difficult changed, it affects the health of generations, for our children, hereafter generations will not be disapprove of the pain, do not fussy eaters!

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