Wednesday, April 27, 2011

blinking perpetually .

Nature gave birth to all entities , many of which contain numerous biological mysteries . People follow technological progress, made ​​a lot of entities to emulate beasts , such as: birds and aircraft , giraffes and anti-G flight suit , whales and submarines and so on. < br> For example : Dragonfly wings of vibration can be generated via the atmosphere is different from the local turbulence nigh the well using the vortex airflow to make themselves up , Dragonfly tin fly in a small thrust ,toronto escort, not merely apt ahead flight , Can likewise fly backwards and left sides . In appending, the flight behavior of Dragonfly simple , depending aboard the 2 couples of wings knocking constantly . Scientists structural foundation whereby the successful development of the aircraft .
scientists found that bat flight is not By eye , yet by the jaws , pharynx and ears composed of echolocation system, for the issue of ultrasonic bat in flight , but also aware of the obstacles the reflected ultrasound, scientists have accordingly designed a modern radar and radiolocation Ranging apparatus .
dragonfly wings of human invention of the airplane, invented at the cmd 's ultrasonic radar, gravity , and so found by the fall of an apple , ecology is forever quietly reveals to folk the range of human light blind Lights, winking perpetually .
human nature is truly a good instructor it! people had learned a lot from the things of nature because people to behalf ,beijing escort,I The maintenance of the navy context, we should protect nature, protect the environment !

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