Thursday, April 28, 2011

it overlooks the jetty and additional facilities

Nairobi, Kenya, 12-day United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held. Will be closed Nov. 17 This meeting was generally considered to start were more explosive report stole the limelight.
week ahead the appointment officially began, 30 October, the British government formally announced by former World Bank king economist Nicholas. Stern (Nicolas Stern) presided over the completion of the appraisal report on global warming, given the potential economy impact of the clearest picture even now:
If in the coming decades tin not take timely action, global warming, the economic and social crisis, comparative to globe battle and the first half of the 20th century have arose in the Great Depression. then, the world's GDP (gross servant product) of one-fifth are presumable to disappear.
In an interview with the Stern as economic impact of the controversy is far from over.
a excellent miracle: it is nor high neither low, and no thespian changes, is simply a absolute .
problem is that the earth is how to maintain a appropriate alive environment?
to the 19th centenary, scientists have gradually opened up its mysteries: the ultimate heat really comes from the sun, the sun brights on the earth, part of the is reflected back into space, some climate and the Earth's surface is absorbed, so that the globe has become warmer.
the same time, the Earth will heat itself to the long wag (infrared) in the manner of external radiation. However, these radiation and not all return to space. the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides and other gases absorb long wag radiation, which wrapped the earth like a greenhouse as warm. These gases, collectively referred to as > thank these greenhouse gases, without it, perhaps the whole earth will become chilly than the Siberian wasteland anyhow. But the answer is, once these lofty concentrations of greenhouse gases,toronto escorts, the temperature rose to a certain amplitude, may entirely change the existing climate system, resulting in economic and social life of the muddle, even devastating.
the first such advising, maybe dating back to 1896. Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, the Swedish pharmacist Arrhenius (Svante Arrhenius) that meantime each of the carbon dioxide produced by burning coal, ambition outcome in a puny addition in temperature, will go aboard long-term accumulation of a significant efficacy. If the concentration of carbon dioxide doubled, global temperatures will heave 5-6 摄氏度.
from 50's of final century, scientists increasingly concentrated in the eyes of greenhouse gases from human activities impact on the climate. cornering point occurred in 1988, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) judged to build The second and third assessment report have been unlocked. the Fourth Assessment Report is expected to be officially loosened in 2007.
National Climate Centre chief scientist Dr. Zhang Chengyi accept the the scientific community about global warming trend has been basically approached a accordance that immediately the temperature has reached the highest point in 1000.
predict climate changes of this complicated system, there is still considerable uncertainty, but human activities are especially industrial production, vigor use and land use,toronto escorts, in which the role has also been widely accepted. a clear whistle is: Before the Industrial Revolution, cloudy carbon dioxide concentration of about two hundred and eighty millionths, and long-term reliability; and in the elapse 200 years, but increased to four hundred and thirty millionths, up by more than 50%.
Stern to accept the Taking into account some of the latest scientific evidence; in the process of completion of the report, he also has been working with the UK Met Office (Hadley Centre as Climate Prediction), IPCC climate experts have retained close contact.
To this, Many experts accept the Professor Chang (Inez Fung) on ​​full of controversy.
report,beijing massage, if strong amounts are not taken instantly to the next century, global warming may be due to the detriment of 5% -20% of the GDP.11 2 May issue of the British authority of the technological periodical multiple districts and a sequence of scenarios that may happen an mean proportion. However, up to 20% of the GDP wastage likelihood, still makes numerous people feel has been Princeton University) economist Richard. Leo (Richard Tol) to accept the En select only the most unhappy conclusions. In appending, in assessing the shock of rising sea, it overlooks the jetty and other facilities, the role played by the conservation.
also many assumptions. Moreover, global warming is still fraught with uncertainty, controversy is the very ecology of entities.
The report likewise demanded that, if person beings absence to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the level of 450-550 parts per million, that is, ensuring that air alteration does no surpass the previous human experience (ie no more than 5-6 degrees temperature change, which namely seasoned at present humans via the glacial maximum temperature alteration), then the annual investment necessitated, only 1% of global GDP .
This is apparently not an extravagant investment. Stern on br> However, many people have questioned this figure. They trust that Stern overestimate the economic impact of global warming, they also artificially underestimate the conversion from the current economic system to a ) economic The state ought have a very difficult to achieve this goal, let alone by 2050 to reach 60% -80% reduction in the amount.
some economists, energy experts told close Jiucheng global energy afford is still dependent on traditional fossil energy sources, to achieve the overall transformation, the cost can assume.

China faces greater challenges in receiving Si family, said Stern report, while only a , savants accept the machinery, the Chinese companies and government are also accessible from carbon trading to earn some proceeds.
but in the ; multinational instruments, took over as prime minister next year; then, the United Kingdom may be made in the EU a more radical policy proposals to control greenhouse gases. And with the Republicans in the fair concluded mid-term plebiscites have been setbacks, has been hard-line stance on climate change is expected to approach the United States to disconnect, accordingly joining to control greenhouse gas emissions, br> near to the administration decision-making levels in the approval of is one inevitable reality. Stern told the amplifying countries must also be made of emissions by 2050 likened with 1990,shanghai massage, an increase of no more than a 15 min.
According to UN statistics, China's per capita carbon (greenhouse gas) emissions levels, still higher than the world about one-fifth under the average, only about one-sixth of the United States. but the present situation of China's economic evolution point of view, if it were not for a big restructuring, China's per capita carbon emissions exceeded the world average is not far away. < br> 11 on 10, with visiting EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson discourse in Beijing, says that in hereafter WTO negotiations, climate change may take into account elements such as the levy lower taxes. and these once implemented, obviously, would make are going through a greenhouse gas emissions, facing the policy, institutional, technical and monetary challenges, can be imagined.
State Environmental Protection Administration Center for Environmental and Economic Policy Dr. Hu Tao, director of Academic Committee to accept the pointed out that most of China's enterprises absence ample capital, but also the absence of ample technology to accomplish this transformation. He phoned something like .
1987 with an aim to depress the amount of ozone-depleting substances, and other inputs to this fund over 20 billion U.S. greenbacks; in all 189 Contracting States, 143 have reached the eruption abatement targets.
present, many formative countries have intended alike experts Foundation by the United States, Australia and other countries per capita carbon emissions funded by the Fund to purchase in the form of formative countries like China obviously difficult financially defended. you understand, to complete this economic restructuring,in fact, annual investments needed in the 200 billion -300 billion.
the technical side, it is suggested that Stern behaviour international R & D cooperation, including harmonization of standards and mart share information. long-term care almost climate change policy of the international capital Structure Committee (ICCF) Managing Director, Margo. hydrochloride (Margo Thorning), PhD, the :

fight content

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Sohu car during 2011-2013 2 billion of funds invested over the layout of local tactics, specifically within the afterward 2 annuals to build the national urban automotive business extra than 50 points. For many of the automotive Web site above the mall for Edit fight, fight content, while strengthening the interaction among Internet consumers is the best tactics, and establish a car-like Sohu highly interactive, user-viscosity architecture strong local sites, ambition assist Sohu car surrounded at membranes of interactive community platform, the 1st metropolis to win two hundred thirty-four users confidence. netizens for second and third tier cities, they premier absence to interact with a community platform, because the secondary and tertiary cities relating lack of sophistication of the Internet, are the relative lack of community platform to surfers, let unattended a car that a community platform as the vertical species.
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In short, these precedents have proven: competitive modes, and therefore Sohu car to give regional strategies and prospects promising.
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bulk of edible susceptivity in infants and youth children

Zhao Liying
food allergy nigh the allergies are increased, food allergy onset more people, especially in recent years more and more manifest and more episodes immediately, but you will not startle you, the people themselves is omnivorous Oh, what the ecology is to eat, and how some people can eat everything, some people will not do it. and what can be depicted as strange allergies, and what have.
was abhorrent to crabs, eating After the crab allergy, the face, neck and the breath of the rash, itching intolerable, long period to go; have a baby, my mommy did not breast, he was averse to milk, a man-made problem solving muddled children to eat off their feet; there are extra terrible, the aged by home unattended, oranges allergies, and home to send him behind to the hospital, in the end did not rescue came; there hh
of mustard allergy food allergy what is it?
food susceptivity, that namely, Food allergy namely a special kind of ailment. layman's terms, refers to some people after eating a definite food, causing a body tissue, an organ, alternatively even the lusty repercussion of the body, resulting in a kind of dysfunction or tissue mar.
on food allergy is an abnormal physical, harmless things in the body becomes fed up with something adverse. From a medical outlook, there are people allergic gastrointestinal function than physical poor, the higher the permeability of the intestinal wall, easily digested food in the protein is not instantly absorbed into the body, so they transform a kind of variant protein antigens to stimulate the body to produce antibodies, antibody material while re-entering the allergens mmm allergy occurs when the human body.
why the people food allergies occur?
intake of food allergy is the body of food, the body of their eccentric immune response occurred, resulting in physiological dysfunction, triggering a sequence of clinical omens. The most apparent declaration is the skin, such as skin congestion, eczema, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema, and so on. gastrointestinal tract omens are also many penetrate, such as nausea, spewing, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. Some also expressed in the nervous system, such as headache, dizziness, severe anaphylactic impact may occur, blood pressure dripped dramatically, wastage of feeling, shortness of inhalation, even if to retention her life was in danger.
food allergy is not such as food poisoning, allergies often do not attention about content. Some submerge will not work. in the accident of severe food allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock, obtain emergency phone to activity, so the patient lying down, shortness of breath whether the patient, if I were you, to behave artificial breath.
the environmental causes of food allergy occurs are those who do?
the elapse, the standard of living is low, food is relatively simple, less incidence of food allergy, but the development of modern life makes people many rich food varieties, satisfy the appetite, but also face more risk for allergic reactions that people have access to the past is difficult to see the food; past many obvious local food, and now the convenient transmission has long been a regional crash; many characteristic seasonal foods, and now raising technology, cultivation techniques and advances in arsenal technology not only erased fresh seasonal time, but also can cache pile up asset. transport manufacture adult more so many foreign food Piaoyang harbor came to China; a variety of advantage foods, false food is infinite; deserving to the current extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and irrigation water and harvest growth and environmental pollution, animal feed containing more hybrid use of allergens material and other elements, so that in recent years in the food allergic material composition increases, the population has also increased the chance of food allergy occurs. this position, are so at home and overseas. And the most bothersome is that, in mandate to nail the allergy malefactor l r more difficult. I have a friend of food allergies, forever starting something like a red dot, I went to skin expert hospital in Tianjin, made over three hundred kinds of food allergies Allergy testing to find the source.
those who are more easy allergy it?
bulk of food allergy in infants and young children, students, adults less, the proportion was: 10% of infants, 45% of children three years old, children 2 to 3%, adults 1 to 2%. Food allergies vary, a crowd of food threaten to cause an allergic reaction is not the same. clinical discoveries, infancy, allergic foods are milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc.; adulthood or allergic foods fish, nuts, peanuts, seafood and crustaceans (such as shrimps and crabs) and so on.
Chinese have What, I am terrified that not one can say all, let's take a look. medicine has always attached large magnitude to the relationship between fat and disease thing to eat during the Chinese are generally required to avoid certain food, but Ji-fat diet is the main thing. According to legend, the first Ming throne When the emperor after the founding of meritorious will intensify damage minister, Marshal Xu Da suffering from a a, Xu Daming understand these hateful, but challenged not violate the Prince of life, had to eat on the spot, and soon, Xu Da, br> doctors Qinbo not in the fever may be, commonly known as fat objects.
material is essentially made after ingestion of certain foods can cause repetition of traditional illnesses and current ailment weight. made a wide range of objects, occasionally food is seen to be made Hunxing material. < br> representation by portly objects into six categories:
a fever thing, scallion, ginger, pepper, pepper, lamb, dog, etc.;
2 things because the hair manner, such for shrimp, crab, Hong mushroom, goose, egg, Chunya, etc.;
three things hot and humid for the hair, such as caramel, sticky rice, pork, etc.;
IV graph for the cold things, such as watermelon, pear, persimmon, and other chilly of the merchandise;
five things for the fire of blood, such as hot pepper, arrowhead and pepper;
made six for the stagnation of qi, such as a lamb, lotus seed,beijing massage, Gorgon fruit, etc..
Chinese medicine treatment can not be separated diagnosis and treatment, taboos can not bypass the Watermelon, Sydney, bananas; heat syndrome meet pate redness, fever, hemorrhoids in blood, insomnia, upset those not eat ginger, pepper, garlic oil works and so on. astute hepatitis, patients exhausted of thick yellow tongue coating, full breast and stomach swelling, anorexia do not eat, red yellow urine, which is peppery and moist as heaviness, should avoid eating greasy foods and spicy food, nourishing dry and peppery products; belly patients should avoid flatulence beans, potato, potatoes, etc.: coronary heart disease, high blood pressure , hyperlipidemia should avoid fatty beef, butter, animal offal, eggs, bone essence, etc.; good hair sore, boil, boil, the more the poison caused by the fiery, where the goods are in the fatty spicy taboo account.
by the personal sector experience, lamb, Zhu Tourou, Pig, Goose is recognized by the , not Yichi, or will relapse. on the goose, trotters has made lactation, achieve sore, but sore early Jifu.
genetic food played a major character in allergies. In a quite amusing clinical findings: those with caustic allergies, aggregate in his family to detect a cluster of allergies, pollen allergies may be mother, father with asthma, allergic rhinitis, Grandma. study base that the parents have any allergies, children's allergies disease incidence was 37%, when either parents, and kid, the incidence is as high as 62%. of course, allergies do not necessarily disapprove of the surroundings if it were not for encountered in the daytime after morrow will be allergic, or outward. about 8% of the children food allergy occurs, many higher than adults. children, especially babies and children stunting gastrointestinal mucosal protective barrier, not the essay of the food will selectively preoccupy, so early childhood disposed to food allergies. investigating showed that 3 years of age in babies simple to allergies, 1 year antique at the most, 4 to 6 months for the high incidence of age; 4 months supplementary food for infants and youth children, allergy hazard than afterward joined complementary feeding are higher. People have food variety, zone, season, individual dietary habits are another, the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy is tough there.
hindrance of food allergy have to 1st identify the , some unexpected food allergies to allergens perplexed. The doctor will help patients of allergens, detailed history; if I were you, patients will write a detailed food memo; sometimes done through the blood test to decide ; sometimes can do train, the experts concluded that obstruction of food allergy, or governance, food allergies, the most simple, economical and efficacious direction is to avoid ingestion of allergenic foods. avoid eating always foods containing milk, such as ice cream, ice lotion, cakes and so on. In increase, some food, do not eat, smell or touch can also cause allergic reactions. Some people meet a certain smell or food allergies will be, should avoid adjoin.
, try to use goat's milk, mare's milk, just abouty milk hardly evermething with instead. , fjust aboutme raw fruits and allergies cool, you can boil the fruit, try cooked food.
allergy can vary. Some people fed up with certain food a child, growing up is not allergic. Some people a period of time a food allergy, is not averse to after three to five years. For a higher nutritional merit and constantly need to eat food, you can shirk eating three to five years later, a small measure to try to eat, the use of desensitization treatment slowly addition the volume. so after a period of exercising, some people may be competent to approach the expense of ordinary people.
food allergy may start in the fetal period,toronto escort, experts recommend that family history of allergy, women do not allergic diseases of pregnancy. during pregnancy and lactation should be noted that a restricted diet,the inconsistency may be a nice line., Eat allergenic food. the improvement of breastfeeding, breastfeeding in reducing infant allergies is very important. solid food, added the best in children 6 months after and avoid adding too early in the infant food in the peanuts,toronto asian escort, soybeans and animal food.
Health Tips: vacations at home will be arranged to some melon seeds, peanuts, pistachios and other nuts, snacks, entertaining guests or family to enjoy themselves, However, there are some members of the public after the Spring Festival in before years because the savory snacks and ran to the hospital, either because these people eating peanuts and nuts made
allergies Allergy
nursed back to health decree allows the body's red meat lower quality, larger body. This lack of vitality of red blood cells, lightly broken. by such low-quality red blood cell composition of the human body, the normal aptitude to adjust and domesticate functions greatly disabled, with milk, eggs, protein particles, lightly from penetrate the intestinal wall into the blood, the formation of histamine, 5 m averse to serotonin and other toxins, stimulate the body to produce allergic reactions, so that expansion of marginal blood containers cause skin irritation.
then, is not merely from the exclusion of animal food diet can humans disapprove of physical relief from the embarrassment? Of course not, for animal foods is to protect the main source of many momentous nutrients, complete restriction is nor likely nor necessary.
this, scientists of the pill are: reducing the number of beast food intake, eat more brown rice, vegetables, can make the allergic constitution be enhanced. Here the mystery of the brown rice, vegetables, ruddy blood compartments to patronize vitality, nor the variant protein into the bloodstream, it tin prevent atopic dermatitis. Japanese experts have too developed a food prescription, such as the millet, barnyard grass as the main raw substance of cakes, wheat flour, and Note that a balanced diet, eat fewer oily, sweet and spicy food, tobacco, liquor and so aboard. some food allergens is too necessary to pay attention to distinguish them. eat vitamin-rich foods can promote the immune capability. According to nutritionist research, such as onions and garlic include anti-inflammatory compounds can discourage the occurrence of allergies. Another variety of vegetables and fruits can likewise be resistance to allergies, containing broccoli and citrus effects were particularly amazing. in health food and garlic grape seed oil allergic feedback is a nice thing. may hope to use.
dietary management is the focus of treatment, but is important to avoid food allergy community. and for early childhood, even need more attention, because infants and young children are the most rapid growth period,guangzhou massage, the necessary vigor, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals intake is very important, therefore, can use alternative food or other food to make up. there are other considerations:
1. avoid secluded food allergens: Do not eat raw food identification was lacking, illegible food
2. eat less processed food
3. eat fresh seafood: fresh seafood will not breed bacteria enhance the decomposition of protein to improve the concentration of carcinogenic materials such as histamine, more possible to cause allergies. Even healthy people may also be averse to eat.
4. who had a solemn allergic reaction, most narcotics ought carry advising bracelet or necklace machine , and let friends and family are aware of their history, in circumstance of emergency.
view other allergies with allergic disease
people at age framework changes, possible food allergy, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma and other symptoms. However, not everyone will experience these symptoms it is important to retard regularly to see the status of the body. infant food allergy is about always combined with atopic dermatitis, but it occurred after the food in early childhood not necessarily associated with allergy and atopic dermatitis. food allergy combined in patients with atopic dermatitis, the two will have a person in asthma symptoms.
Postscript: the day I read an treatise abroad, to the effect that if the grandmother does not like to eat the food there, the women generally do not like it, but deliberately do not eat, to the granddaughter of this generation, will become allergic because of genetic defects. genes is very important and difficult changed, it affects the health of generations, for our children, hereafter generations will not be disapprove of the pain, do not fussy eaters!

personality includes the Struggle. the skirmish namely likewise inseparable from the identity

Political Theory Graduate Examination in 2008 a Reference
one way to have
1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B
Second, the multiple choice
17.AB 18.ABD 19.ABC 20. ABCD 21.AB 22.ABD 23.ABD 24.BC 25.BD 26.ABD 27.ACD 28.ABCD 29.ACD 30.ABC 31.ABCD 32.AC 33.ABCD
Third, analysis of problems
(1) contradiction is unity of opposites. contradiction with the struggle and identity. Struggle is mutually exclusive opposites, separated from each other trends and relationships. identity is contradictory mutual adjoin, the nature and trends of mutual attraction. It contains two meaning: First, the interdependence of contradiction on both sides, that both parties mutually contradictory conditions for the existence of in a unattached thing; the second is through mutual conflict, that conflict with each other into mutual penetration and trends. contradictory identity and skirmish are interconnected. identity is inseparable from the struggle, identity includes the Struggle. the struggle is also inseparable from the identity, the struggle among sexual identity resides. We have to grasp the unity of the opposition, in a unified grip opposition parties to promote the beneficial aspects of conflict transformation.
matters doctors and patients constitute a contradiction between them not only the subsistence of rival relations, more importantly, there is the same relationship. against manifested in two the personality of the differ, the same representation in both interdependent and share a common goal, that is to fight the disease. In the past only to memorandum the conception of two extra opposition, meantime ignoring the same relationship between the two. through this The accident also played a patient to ease conflicts to resolve medical squabbles, promoting conflict transformation and resolution.
(2) human nature is social. differentiated from the interpersonal level, people The essence of social relations. who of lesson has the natural attributes and social attributes, but the natural properties of penetration of social attribute, the natural properties contained in the social attributes of the slave and creature. Human Nature the sum of relations. people the relationship between doctors and patients is a fundamental social relations between people.
Therefore, as a physician, not only wonderful medicinal capabilities, but likewise need to have love, we have to adhere to the philosophy. the interests of patients to work as a remedial starting point and destination.
(3) in the process of development of entities, the identity of contradiction has a quite important role. contradictory development of the other celebration may use to make their access to development ; contradiction between the two sides tin learn from the factors profitable to develop their own, and he also provides the direction of development of things. contradictions can be transformed into every other, if only handled properly the relationship conflicts, intensification of conflicts accessible.
Therefore, in real life, the contradictions encountered a alike patient relationship, we should properly resolve, focus on the identity of contradiction in the role of the development of asset,beijing massage, to create all conditions for conflict transformation to the good side, to prevent escalation. < br> 35.
(a) the relationship between monopoly and competition:
(1) monopoly on the basis of free competition as the antithesis of competition arising. IBM company since the fifties of last century onwards to in the computer industry, the competition, and soon occupied a large computer business in a dominant position.
(2) monopoly afterward the co-optation, it will restrict emulation in a way. IBM in the 60's and 70's clutch great microprocessor technology, and to monopolize the mart,toronto escorts, way to a colossal excess profits.
(3) but not after the election of monopoly and can not exclude competition, but co-exist with the competition, and even additional competition. IBM Corporation 60 and 70 annuals in the important position of total dominance in the computer industry, but there are a digit of companies to contest. With the miniaturization of computers, many companies have set foot in this area, resulting in increasingly ferocious competition in the computer industry, IBM was the enterprise monopoly challenge.
(4) competition and establish new monopolies. With the competition from the competition down to a single product components of the competition, there are more new monopoly industries and corporations in the new round of competition in the generation a new monopoly.
(b) IBM 50 years from the final century the company is committed to the computer industry, and soon occupied a large computer business in a dominant position; then a number of enterprises contained in the computer industry, increased competition, as of 1980 years, IBM is still the computer industry occupies an indeed dominant position; post was at a drawback in the competition, but after regaining their dominance of internal reform.
likened with free competition, monopoly capitalism under the conditions of competition presents new features :
(1) The main purpose of competition is to occupy lofty monopoly profits, and to consolidate and expand its monopoly position. as yet in 1980, IBM mainframe computer companies of the global market share of 80%, 70% gross profit.
(2) competition, an unprecedented expansion of the size of .80 than in the past decade, the computer technology has changed, a number of capital and technology companies to connect the competition muscular, so competition in this area greatly increased the depth and width.
(3) .90's competition method more unlike, including IBM, to take restructuring, things restructuring, various means, including convey of business strategy, enhancing the overall competitiveness of enterprises.
(4) amplified to entire areas of competition. IBM has adult a full range of strategic objectives, sought in entire fields have the vantage of technology and quality, and build its unshakable location.
(5) the level of competition is more intense, time more durable. competition escalated, with the computer technology to inner union of the reform, reorganization of assets, reduce production costs, to ensure corporate monopoly.
answer questions mainly narrated to the test center of this is the correct understanding of China's national conditions and laws of the Chinese revolution, the socialist construction law of construction, good at the basic principles of communism with China's specific reality, a correct view of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction in the process of success or failure to explore fully understand Mao Zedong as the main representative of the Chinese people in socialist construction ***'s tough to explore the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics has invested an important inspiration to form.
asked the nominees to answer the first time in January 1962 to understand the Central held an amplified appointment of the background, mainly after 1957 Summary Exploration of Socialist party leaders the construction process there have been some errors, such as the Great Leap Forward, the people's commune manoeuvre in 1962, this meeting is to sum up the main lessons capable. Zedong approximately the definition of the words in the end to illuminate a problem? the main content whether we are to understand a see, we is the outcome of two victories, two failures, to a definite duration and then fulfilled the law of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong's implication is, we explore the laws of socialist revolution and construction is not simple, and may also need to all over success, failure continuously iterative process, so we need to explore in a correct view of our achievements and failures. The key is to learn courses. is to correctly understand China's national conditions, to fully understand the Chinese revolution and social construction is a difficult process, We may have to bring an end to ... consecutive exploration of failures and to properly grasp the correct laws of socialist construction, we must fully understand the passion we have only less than socialist construction, we must see that China is still underdeveloped stage of socialism, we have laws of socialist construction also need a correct understanding of the process of continuous exploration, but also good at basic principles of Marxism with China's reality with the second phase.
the main question to the second question 1st generation of collective mastery of the party in the socialist construction of painstaking exploration , the formation of the theory of socialism with Chinese specifics, inspiration and meaning, adhere to the guiding position of the importance of Mao Zedong Thought. The question is Maogai 2007 reflect the new test hub, the answer is both general instructing materials, are: for the Deng Xiaoping Theory provides a academic foundation and one important content; to Deng Xiaoping methodology provides a correct ideological line; explore the performance of the process of innovation, as Deng Xiaoping Theory has played an exemplary role. So the importance of these explorations is that of Deng Xiaoping Theory as the formation of or to the formation of socialist theory with Chinese characteristics provides an important inspiration. Therefore, we should adhere to the guiding role of Mao Zedong Thought, Mao Zedong Thought to be inherited and developed, to be agreeable at catching the road of communism with Chinese specifics.
37. < br> (a) In recent years, the State Council, the technological development concept to navigate the economic and social development, in consensus with the requirements of urban and rural development, has taken a series of major policies to advocate and benefit farmers. China's rural reform through the abolition of communes , to establish the household compact management as the core of the rural management system; abolition of tariffs as the core of reform and the establishment of the rural delivery of a new socialist countryside as the goal of comprehensive reform in rural areas. After the reform of China's comprehensive national strength is greatly improved, At present, China has entered a general array to promote agriculture, the metropolis with rural development stage, the initial conditions of the greater exertions to support the benefits,shanghai massage, to solve the farmers in the past, role, for which we should adhere to the urban and rural economic and social development of the basic tactics, and actively and steadily promote urbanization on the basis, in consensus with the development of production, ample life, civilization, wash and natty villages and democratic management requirements, take the following the main path to solid construction of new socialist countryside.
First, the development of modern agriculture, agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. adhere to the construction of the development of agricultural productivity as the primary mission of a new socialist village, changes in agricultural growth, consolidate and strengthen farming as the foundation.
Second, broaden outlets for peasants to increase income, increase their proceeds. to entirely tap the potential of agricultural growth, increase non-farm income, improve the policy burdens increase.
Third, to deepen the rural reform. accelerate rustic land, reform the family registration system to promote the logical stream of peasants to build up urbanization. mushroom the conservation of rustic zones, the establishment of current rural cooperative medical concern and some of the elementary endowment insurance and medical insurance.
Fourth, amend the rural scenery and enhance rural infrastructure and public facilities.
Fifth, develop educated, skilled and commerce management of new farmers, rural compulsory education.
the sixth, increasing agricultural and rural investment. adhere to the take deregulation, : China and Japan in Asia and world truce, permanence and development to make a constructive contribution to a new epoch between the two countries given the solemn duty. Based on this understanding, the hereafter comprehensive development of China and Japan will be at the bilateral, regional and international and other levels of the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, Asia and the world to contribute in this process of mutual benefit and expand common interests,beijing escort, to promote bilateral relations to new heights.
(b) developing friendly cooperative relations conform to the times, the common ambition of both peoples. Premier Wen Jiabao's lecture in reference to the Japanese Diet in Japan saying, relations have seasoned rain and twists and corners, but the foundation of the friendship between the two peoples will not be vibrated.
disable China still cracking China's long-standing hostile mental, as well for the encouragement and mutual use of the United States. ③ a long time, there are always some forces in Japan veto the ecology of the Japanese warfare of aggression and offenses, these practices, not only opposition the Japanese administration commitments aboard historical issues, and a departure from the political basis of Sino-Japanese relations, severely ache the Chinese and additional eastern countries, people's sensibilities. In adding, the Taiwan question is the crux of Sino-Japanese relations.
will shake, significant clash of state, but also world peace, stability and development also has a meaningful impact. ② the two countries in economic interdependence deepened, China has transform Japan's largest trading partner. At the same time the two countries in East Asia facing a series of traditional and non-traditional security threats, you need to work together to deal with. bilateral relationship is a win-win relationship. ③ Japanese non-governmental exchanges are consolidating the cornerstone of Japan-China strategic and mutually beneficial relationship.
China Government apt amplify Sino-Japanese friendship and cooperation among the plan has no changed. The 2 chairmen build strategic, mutually advantageous narratives approached a unity, we will strictly obey by the three political documents, through talk and equal consultation, properly handle the distinctions between China and Japan apt strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields, strengthen non-governmental friendly commutes, promote joint comprehending, amplify common interests and commitment to the development of practical deed the 21st century Sino-Japanese relations, Sino-Japanese relations in a healthy and settled development of Sino-Japanese friendship for generations between the 2 peoples.
38. Optional Problem Ⅱ
(1) from the material of a , we can look,which fraught a broad kind of small nice antiques, the terrible fact that the present climate change is a global temperatures persist to rise, worsening the greenhouse efficacy. The natural environment is the natural condition of human existence, social development activities a role to accelerate alternatively cut down. As humans transform the earth practices, does not residence the relationship between man and nature, resulting in a array of problems. met with the nature of the important issue, resulting in a wrong consequences, environmental degradation, but also ultimately influence the economy development and people's quality of life. shows that we should pay particular attention to practical appearances of the results of its evaluation, correction, correction to the operation of practical activities.
Meanwhile, we handle with the relationship between man and nature, it should respect the basis of objective decrees, to develop people's initiative, to accomplish the consensus of subjective and objective, the agreeable development between male and nature. ought adhere to the fitting people use of normal conviction, should not the cost of mar to the natural environment, but should disburse full attention to the natural environment and social development in the people character in the process.
(2) promote the ; is entirely erroneous. This is because: First, China's accumulative emissions less; Second, China's per capita eruption level is cheap; Third, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP elasticity coefficient. China is a responsible big country defending the global climate system has made its due contribution is major and affirmative coerce. publicizing the aimed by embodying China's peaceable mushroom. Although the climate problem is the environmental issue, but ultimately a development issue.
the Chinese government has consistently adhered to the scientific development concept and sustainable development strategies, focusing on ecological civilization construction. to strengthen international cooperation in vigor and environment , the establishment of lasting peace and common boom and harmonious world. to establish sustainable development compatible with the production and consumption patterns in response to global climate change. not only does not threaten the world's climate and environment, but for the global challenges of climate change make a significant contribution .
Chinese government attaches magnificent importance to climate change, accepted a series of mitigation policies and amounts for greenhouse gas emissions. mainly include: first, promote scientific progress, improve energy efficiency. Second, the development of low carbon energy and renewable energy, improve the energy structure. Third, carrying out afforestation and strengthen ecological protection. Fourth, the implementation of kin maneuvering, slowing population growth. Fifth, strengthen the valid system to carry out pedagogy for all. Sixth, environmental protection and promote each other and work together to promote common care planet of human beings.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

in this materialistic society

Been raining the past few days ,toronto escort, it can not kick the ball , really boring .
been raining not problem, I did not anticipate this afternoon apt the earthquake , although merely slightly so-called ,beijing escort, In association with the world trembling, there namely some terror namely this is the 1st time since I encountered such a massive earthquake, and some scared to meditation of it .
However, I really admire the ecology of the growing . In the past whereas too Tsunamis , hurricanes , earthquakes , etc. have also been cared about ,Today namely Earth Day, yet they are hearsay , and this time its personal feel . to the heartfelt affection and adore of nature .
in this materialistic society, I hope that we tin to protect the Great A normal even endow their poor forces. so normal that we will not revenge , and we will live in harmony .

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Yesterday too saw the starting 23 o'clock each night of the CCTV news 24 hours, or substantially in the news scope of the disaster situation, yet last night while I look in to a problem, do not see any disaster in Gansu An beast , a dog may be the reason I myself , my premier thought is that in appending to saving lives than to retention animals, particularly assimilated pets. I wonder ,in Feng Shui, can buffet a cats and dogs in Gansu not it? If They fled , but they are associated with the ecology of the host side. in anybody news reports can not find the beast figure . truly .
immediately it is relying aboard to write these memories, forget last night 24 Hours of this morn, hear the newspaper or the earth , there are a lot of diplomatic reporters arrived by the disaster site , it namely true admission of our People's Liberation Army , they aid people above the scene. weather was very hot ,toronto escorts, they tirelessly , people are Respect and admiration .
but I absence to mention that in foreign eyes is a person's lifelong associate caress , I trust there must be a foreign reporter asked the animal liberate . ( I do not xenophilia ) , but also comprehend the foreign journalists They who to turn to it? lawful reception do not see the local people came out and said what the government ! do ! ( in addition to our line of the PLA lovely person )
every national incident ( disaster), the largest diagram seen Is our babe Prime Minister ( Premier Wen Jiabao ), has a lovely old male , he always individually went apt site of the incident , the regional administration can do , if the babe do not work, do not penetrate what they have because .. .
I have the baby so that our country 's Prime Minister proud ! ! baby Come on ,shanghai massage! ! baby Come on !!

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China green

Green 2008, my love
Wuhai City Haibo Bay Area for a fifth-grade three classes Instructor: Zhang Min of : Jiang Chengwei
2001年7 13, for the Chinese nation ambition never forget Days. When the International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch out A teenager , I also feel very arrogant .
New fancies and creativity ,toronto escorts, its meaning is: use protection of the context , vigor preservation, protection of health,temperature namely still cheap today, maintenance of ecological poise and sustainable evolution conception, advocated the construction of sports , marketing , purchasing , logistics , accommodation, catering and large-scale activities , though May dilute the negate environmental and ecosystem effects , and too take avail of the extensive clash of the Olympic action , to carry out environmental publicity and teaching, apt promote public participation in environmental protection and amend the national awareness of environmental protection . China is a major contribution apt the Olympic Movement .
Olympic Games held in Beijing, although many , but we tin still feel its footsteps approximating . To endow to the Olympic Games for the Responsibility .
students , we absence to begin immediately, start from their own , from the little entities to start , attach to the environment , energy conservation, the cry of the Beijing Olympics . We propose: to retention a piece of paper , a pen , was electricity, a drop of water ; love every bird , every tree plants, each vegetation trees; pick up roadside waste bag , obliterate the taint above the streets , protect our head, a blue sky hh
One World , One Dream . Let us go together to create a green Beijing , China green , green Olympic. Let us success and reputation , affirmed to the world : 2001 ,beijing massage, The earth has given China one chance , in 2008 , China Will also wonder the world !


Germany: Road pedestal too, do not fret power without virtue. So what is Germany, which is network of friends and the reality where human do not understand. I converge here.
<>. so on the German people who had not deliberately to plot immeasurable merit, often the means he secondhand to change some things on the nature of living entities, humanity has approached on the inestimable worth, since to the intention of the benefit of mankind. called inaction,toronto escort, is unintentional and was in no mood and do, he did get is immeasurable merit. under the German people accidentally to Jide, he ambitioned this merit, often he did just award, preferably than true merit. Just for the <> narrated it: of no demands, but also did not expect to cache immeasurable merit, fair that he gave the Chinese people beneath the immeasurable contrive merit, he is doing nobody for, not for themselves. Otherwise, there has long been the Gang of Four of our citizen policy has changed, then have our today. I said is the truth, his immeasurable merit this product in the Chinese people who every of us had. a functional human ought be proficient apt foresee it. for this infinite field back to our location in China.
since antique phoned There's true, played a character not influence, a boundless vigor field, for entire the earth face in the multitude. aboard the entire vast universe, the stamina produced an immeasurable role in the role of one endless, this namely phoned ; immeasurable yet the faultless embodiment of the Buddha namely often true morality.
(2),established in 2001 and urgent, Xuande who rely on the flesh of this virtue is not to fulfill, but through the decree reports of 3 of the completions of each space or in the infinitesimal world from good deeds. line Xuande, those with no performance to emulate, consciously or unconsciously, as a benefit for others alternatively the community something. For sample, manipulation,toronto escort, problem solving and preserving ecological equilibrium, etc., though not for the ordinary people know, was able to achieve the desired efficacy This is called Xuande.
(3), Judging those Virtue is a jewel, do agreeable deeds without seeking recognition, this is an essential feature of Judging is also close to the line, nevertheless not perfectly natural direction, and Heaven meet, but it is the basis of practitioner and tread into the Xuande. on the 1st train ambition be necessitated to accompany magnitude to practice Judging in array Xuande into the gate card repair.
(5), executive virtues, there are many so-called I jot my own maxim to amount up all of the above:
Wu heart are necessary to clearly understand the idea and center were enlightened
This is the first elegance in virtue of the sentient creatures to also have

blinking perpetually .

Nature gave birth to all entities , many of which contain numerous biological mysteries . People follow technological progress, made ​​a lot of entities to emulate beasts , such as: birds and aircraft , giraffes and anti-G flight suit , whales and submarines and so on. < br> For example : Dragonfly wings of vibration can be generated via the atmosphere is different from the local turbulence nigh the well using the vortex airflow to make themselves up , Dragonfly tin fly in a small thrust ,toronto escort, not merely apt ahead flight , Can likewise fly backwards and left sides . In appending, the flight behavior of Dragonfly simple , depending aboard the 2 couples of wings knocking constantly . Scientists structural foundation whereby the successful development of the aircraft .
scientists found that bat flight is not By eye , yet by the jaws , pharynx and ears composed of echolocation system, for the issue of ultrasonic bat in flight , but also aware of the obstacles the reflected ultrasound, scientists have accordingly designed a modern radar and radiolocation Ranging apparatus .
dragonfly wings of human invention of the airplane, invented at the cmd 's ultrasonic radar, gravity , and so found by the fall of an apple , ecology is forever quietly reveals to folk the range of human light blind Lights, winking perpetually .
human nature is truly a good instructor it! people had learned a lot from the things of nature because people to behalf ,beijing escort,I The maintenance of the navy context, we should protect nature, protect the environment !

then we'll speak approximately space travel

Keywords A: Sometimes we adore the festive vacation
, every non-stop music festival we have. So, in this quondam month, and what you quit back the memories of holidays?
Must have some The first reaction of people is it April Fool's Day, Why? them, also, alternatively was playing a dupe, or deceive others. I believe that when you once again remember, it must be in my heart smile. If you do not have experience, then remarks , it does not material, you tin work to reiterate under a 2010 April Fool's Day News Daquan, hopes to be people onward with a small flicker the afterward, oh. want to penetrate what it is I'll take you to retard it out amuse.
a morsel this year's Easter special, primarily with our traditional festival is equitable the Ching Ming Festival to a ; kick section. There are a lot of Easter gifts, such as egg, rabbits, lilies.
emulating the holiday to say you might have listened, what holiday? It's International Pillow Fight Day. This festival was first born in 2008 years, only 2 years old, but immediately has begun to tantrum around the world, maybe because build up oppression now, and everyone looking for a release, so many people begin considering, innovation, created such a festive , anyway, this is the outlook of a better life.
you ambition remember it for Earth Hour in March, then you kas long asEarth Day? mentioning that Earth Day is April 22 each year, is a international environmental manoeuvre. But this year the fortieth commemoration of Earth Day. Every year the globe will make sure a different theme, of course, each country also has a theme of this year's theme is: mode of development, promote low-carbon life. superb for the Earth to create unlimited. Of course, the animals on this earth are our friends, we are duty-bound to retention jeopardized species and some infrequent species. I trust at a time everyone is out of a center, we have to put up a green home.
celebration in April of lesson more than these, there are 5 April 2010 in China. Dujiangyan turn on the water celebration was held, it is learned that the festival proceeded until April 12, this accident no only to pray for bumper agricultural year , merely also home to celebrate Li Bing, the Warring States period water.
other festivals such as the April 2 mm World Autism Day, April 11 mm at the World Parkinson's disease, Apr. 21 mm International Secretary's Day, 4 26 mm World Intellectual Property Day, April 28 mm safety and health at the world.
Keywords II: Disaster
We have always said that water is the source of life, and for long to live both people can not beverage water? The question, we might only from writings, films and other listening to the answers. We have not experienced the problems of water deficit. When the drought in Yunnan through TV, Internet and other media, spread around us, and looking at returning to the land of rain , Yunnan fellow scenes that absence of water, how can we not melancholy it? community have action, reasons are to reproach because of the air, but they also said the dry really helpless. But anyhow, we have to be an optimist, I believe there is always rainbow after the rain.
busy people in one day The hard work began apt arrange while a sudden earthquake up anew apt let people into a deep afflict. Beijing 14 April 07 49 pm, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu County, County (latitude 33.1, longitude 96.7) 7.1 earthquake happened. from the initial to the present extra than 400 people were killed under the State Council Information Office unlocked the latest statistics show Yushu to 25 have been cut-off 2220 people were annihilated and 12,135 casualties, and 70 were lacking. meantime 99% of the houses in Yushu collapsed, a sudden, a home up and disappeared.
when the President flew to Yushu ***, looking at the layer muddle of Yushu, condolences to the people when he said At that moment, with tears in everyone eyes are, but they are more of a strong heart.
from Yushu in the week after the earthquake, the State Council decided, for the statement of people of always nationalities in Qinghai Yushu deep condolences to earthquake sufferers, 2010 on April 21 as the citizen day of mourning, victims repose in peace, living strong.
Yushu nice news is that today's earthquake is opening to show a good work, started to slowly rebuild their homes, banks and shops reopened , I believe after hours a new resurgence in Yushu in turn, circular after circular of wane of the smart landscape which in turn procreate.
to our line of sight in Iceland, where the volcano , the European aeroplane April, catastrophe does not appear to ever stop. It seems that we can not control anything,beijing massage, it was always the question: Do we advance into the can not be taken softly, and we become more adult from the catastrophe to dwindle the destruction of the planet's resources, learn some tiny knowledge about earthquakes, we do not have to anxiety about more of the butterfly efficacy, not to cost a lot of money to ;.
Key words Three: nostalgia
4 On 10 April, the day for many countries is a very ordinary day, but not Poland. We dream a country without a president, which method What?
day, the Polish premier airplane in Russia, Smolensk State crash landing of a military aerodrome,front of the architecture namely a wildernesswildernessand there are some bungalows ashore the elem, including the Polish president and his wife, including 97 people killed in the Russian territory, the 2 people mourn. while Poland was April 18 afternoon at the state funeral of President and Mrs Kaczynski. At the same period to reinstate mandate to the inner happenings of Poland had an early election, the President knowledgeable dual brother has resolved to participate in the plebiscite.
Lech. Kachin Ski Resume:
1949 年 6 月 18 was nativity in Warsaw, graduated from the University of Warsaw .1971 legal and governmental system, was appointed labor JD .1971 leather Gdansk University of collaborator.
1980 Gdansk was appointed leather factory International consultants buffet committee, elected in 1981, Gdansk district leather administrative board member of Solidarity, the authorities jailed In 1986, after being appointed Secretary of the Solidarity National Executive Committee in April 1989 ~ 2 ~ to participate in .
1990 年 5 months to February 1991 appointed First Deputy Chairman of Solidarity 3 ~ 10 In 1991, he was appointed Office of the President Walesa In 1991 Secretary of State for Security Affairs, was elected the first session of the House of Representatives in October, Mr House of Representatives and served as Executive Chairman of 1992 and 2 months to the highest office in May 1995 the Control Yuan president.
1995 年 9 month, presidential election, retreat from the marathon later the June .2000 ~ July 2001 designated .2001 Minister of Justice to build the Law and Justice Party and the President was selected in November .2002 .2005 October Warsaw mayor elected the fourth President of the Republic of Poland, and was inaugurated on December 23. marital, with a Female.
his name, superfluous to say, we must be very familiar. Perhaps numerous people still on Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that Beijing 2001 Olympic bid, remember the historic moment of success. We can not forget when the Words pop out of his mouth cheers and excitement. history remember this time, we also remember the genial antique male. When the April 21, 2010 Juan Antonio Samaranch, keen coronary insufficiency deserving to necrosis in Spain newspaper spread, people nigh the world expressed their condolences. the current IOC president Jacques Rogge said, But life should forever bear in idea that failure is one of the options, but alarm not, only dictate amenable, I believe that each of us can obtain a light reaching the honor.
Samaranch Biography:
Juan. Antonio. Juan Antonio Samaranch (Juan Antonio Samaranch ,1920.7.17-2010 .4.21) Marquis, the Spanish, the International Olympic Committee Honorary President as life. his long concern and advocate as China's sports, to return to China in 1979 success of the international Olympic household and the Chinese bid because the 2008 Summer Olympic Games to make a important help. He has served for Chairman of the International Olympic Committee for 21 annuals, he served as the Olympic Games to promote the commercialization of successful, so namely the monetary crisis, the International Olympic Committee out of the Los Angeles Olympic Games In 1984 He personally presented the history of China's premier Olympic gold award received .2010 on April 21, Barcelona, ​​Spain, Juan Antonio Samaranch, died by the old of 89.
Keywords Four: Gift
4 月 3 日Apple fans Apple iPad extremely forecast,toronto escort, unveiled an lawful in the U.S. sales. This can be the outcome of many fans to bad music, they cheered, they love this phone is like love ourselves. At the same time, Germany Neofonie showed the secret weapon to be outdone WePad, which of course inevitably alleged combat on the Apple iPad.
If the fashionable machine for Apple fans Lehe? then we in the group of fans in this month what they do in Lehe?
The first is to meet with us Sean. Levy directed the They have become > going to say the film ? is bloody? is beautiful? all in the film to give you the answer. The last sequel was cheerful people, 8 of tempering the workplace, and afterward acquire self-confidence, prettiness and even see that there is no love ...... Next Du Lala thought about doing it?
3D 3D wind everywhere, there is a 3D animated film the cloak of his father, fierce dragons uniforms to the fable in human. It is reported that it successfully defeated the one? Sh hh, do not acquaint me that we all have our answer.
Keywords Five: Technology
April when the spring song of the steps facing the dancing, merry rhythms stirred the pulse of technology, wind power to energy saving by the course is not longer fresh, this is not one the world's first solar-powered aircraft, power number aircraft flying in the air, the mean speed of 44 miles per hour (70 km / h combined), and every reason to believe it must be capable to shine into the imagine a reality. Although we have not been able to witness firsthand the course of the flight, but we can at the Expo to see them all, learned that the China Pavilion, Museum of the Swiss Pavilion and the European Union, and we can go and see.
then we'll talk about space peregrination, U.S. Eastern Time on April 5 6:21 am (Beijing time 18:21 ), the United States, member of the International Space Station astronauts and a matron added to create the history of female astronauts on the space the largest digit of records, up to 4 people.
appearance at the international space station, the local time 9, the ; two shuttle astronauts completed a space shuttle in the morn and docked to the station since the first space walk. The space walk took about 6 hours, 27 minutes, from the Stella Keogh, Clayton. Anderson completed the first cooperative beautiful EVA tasks.
in a array of space missions with the successful completion of the successful Discovery returned to Earth, we have the excellent 7 astronauts clap the extravaganza, but another memory is value the Discovery space travel is the last time air travel, because the United States, including Discovery State active obligation, including three space shuttle - Discovery, Endeavour and Art Landry Si No maneuvers to retire this fall group. Let us work together for the three space shuttle's retirement to sing travel anthems, to express their glorious history of the commemorative it was.
Discovery does not mean the end of the people The end of space exploration, is on the contrary, human space travel is often planning and perspective. the United States announced a new space a new plan: turn the small Austrian decided to give up the moon to Mars.
really amazing technology, space world proceeds fundus, according to April 22, 2010 news, NASA recently occupied by a group of SDO solar tempest screen, clear picture of this group displayed a great the shackles of the sun. is really terrible to the utmost!

acting and cordial peace

Twelve Beauties of Jinling Red VS current cute animals
Photo / Changchun International Trade
Shaohong version of Zhang unofficial release) and the nature of some small animals PK, Some of them may be quite similar, some may be the fashion for all to see, the deficiency also wish the exhibitions!
1, Lin Lin Ruhai
and Jamin only daughter. because their parents have died, my grandmother compassion the alone, then to Rong citizen government support. Although she is an orphan alive off others, but she indeed aloof, childish linear, and the Jewel of the rebels with the feudal, and never informed gem feudal official career route to go. She contempt for fame and power and privilege, while Jia Jing Wang donated by the North St. beads on a string of luxury gift given to her, she said: someone! > Twelve Beauties of Jinling, one of Xueyi Ma's daughter,you suddenly appeared in front of me in your, by home, with millions of the rich. She looks beautiful, calm amongst behavior. She is passionate almost economic, is gem privately discharged as , Christina Yong Ji, chai married wife. Since both sides have no prevalent ideals and sense of amusement, but also can not forget Concert Jia Lin, a monk soon after marriage, while the monks went to the [version there are differ]. chai had jealously guarding Konggui, bitterness in life.
3, Jia Yuanchun
the eldest daughter of Jia Zheng and Lady Wang, childhood education at the Grandmother Jia. As long sister, her jewel four years age, had taught him to read and write, nevertheless as the siblings, like a mama. Yin Xiao-virtuous for behind the election officials to tribunal and for women. Soon, Feng Feng Shang Palace algae, sealed chaste Princess. jiajiachang to meet her mothering, mothering special built a villa. The superb elegance villas, all with Yuan-chun had spent also extravagant feel! Although she enjoyed bringing to Jia's , within the Palace as Spring
namely Gushe born with the concubine, ranked as the Miss Jia Fuer. She honestly incompetent, cowardly shy, there are , merely too only knew compromise, letting bullying. retention her bottom wire bead jewelry buttercup take it for money to be maids, and she did not prop. something else was inquired to attempt to retrieve her, she said: offended. 5, Jia Zheng Jia Tan Chun
connate with the concubine Aunt Zhao, ranked as the Miss Jia Fusan. she was smart and able, with exertion, tin be determined, even with Mrs. Wang Xifeng have her a morsel. a Flowers so the servant opened the door and the candle to be, hands and feet,shanghai escort, so the speck got slapped. Tan Chun Jia face of the emergency of the building ambition be quite a sensibility disposed, she would like to use wed afar.
6, one of Jia Xichun
Twelve Beauties of Jinling, Zhen Jia sister. because of his father blindly for Taoism alchemy JIA, other things not concern, and the mother had died, she had been Wing Grandmother Jia grew up approximately the country administration. In the lack of parental adore and admiration, to develop the temperament of the eccentric chilly heart cold cold lips. Searching park, she insist the teeth, there is no mistake of evicting the maid art, indifferent to the sad tears of others . the decline of the fate of four families, three capitalists a sorrowful end to her sister, so she had the fancy pass away, then into the Temple for Nepal.
7, one of Wang Xifeng
Twelve Beauties of Jinling, the wife of Jia Lian , the niece of Mrs. Wang's. Danfeng triangle has a couple of eyes, two curved tip hanging willow eyebrows, slim stature, physical situation. she was competent and, Grandmother Jia and Wang triumphed the confidence of his wife, a housekeeper actual Jia . She has remained in the Jia family's housewife a few hundred ports on the throne, fluency and flattery on the bullying of her power and influence under the arms, seized power and stolen asset is her purpose production. she doing all the right to alteration technical machines, bloody, insidious wiles Although Jia Rui Siyouyugu this dude, but himself either the son of the garrison. Erjie and her unborn child was the maximum cunning of Wang Xifeng, the most vicious path to slay. She openly declared: on the line! seventy five to ferreted out a box of gold and securities lending. Wang Xifeng's movements, no mistrust, is to quicken the ebb of Jia's, and finally end up br> 8, The Figure
Twelve Beauties of Jinling is one of Jia's grandniece. Although the wealthy daughter, but her parents died young, the history of the tripod patronize uncle, and aunt do her not agreeable. the uncle home, she did not have for the Lord, and do not absence to do needlework to three extra. her life and Lin somewhat alike, but she did not yu's rebellious spirit, and in some ways by the clash of chai. she was lukewarm, pleased generous, loving mischievous, and even defiance to obtain drunk liquor in the garden aboard the great bluestone nap. She and gem can be considered agreeable friends, together, occasionally affectionate, periodically angry, but her bosom forthright, never to little children Ying center business. Ruolan after the wedding and health, presently after the marriage, the husband died in the political skirmish. (fecund in some superseded after the gem of life met and became husband and wife, and finally died in the meager and sick mm polemical)
9, qing qing
, one of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling, Jia Rong's wife. She is a doctor Qin Construction and Maintenance Division Yangshengtang adopt a child from the state sector's daughter, byname to children, label and charm. She looks slender and willowy, romantic individuality, performing and agreeable peace, won the prefer of Grandmother Jia et al. but equivocal relationship with her dad Zhen Jia, leading its young dead young.
10, Miaoyu
Suzhou s. she was reading official profession home forefathers. because of childhood ailments, bought a lot of double [old superstition that the disaster kick folk should die for a priest to do monks, Taoist, and the wealthy children of poor families to purchase homes instead of a monk, called a substitute], are needless. only into the vacant net, body do, so has their cilia cultivation. parents have died, circled with two Old mother,toronto escorts, a little girl to serve. She is quite Tong Wen Mo, a very versed classical outward and wonderful . Seventeen years old Chang is with the main to the practice, the master passed away, into the trap by Jia's your hair and practice Jade Temple.
11, Qiaojie
Twelve Beauties of Jinling, one of the daughter of Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng . for students seventh daytime in July, Liu grandmother called her Military Governors for the maid to sell and, in a pinch, thanks to help Granny Liu, brought her into the nation life.
12, Li Wan Li Wan
, word Palace Conference, Jia Chu's wife, gave birth to son Jia Lan. She came Jinling Minghuan, the father went in the State sub-Shou Ji Jiu. She grew up under his father, , ruddy for matrons day to the linen. Jia Chu less than two years, and then died. Li Wan has been widowed, although creature in the Gao Liang Fairview, Jingru only kas long assupport parents and children, uncles and additional leisure escort feminine red, read it. She is a prestige feudal rites Yin Jie Fu typical woman.

how can namely idea and additional rubbish.

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If a man really loves you, he will not scold you, in your office when you are perverse to vent, when you debate the quondam time, will be aggrieved, said: love you, you will find with him afterward, you will find yourself inadvertently always have a lot of the clothes, and his jeans there a Xiaodong Dong. He would be mockery to say: Popular beggars raiment it? say a man should be content, what to wear so good? how much liberty he will waste the opportunity, the so-called because he was willing to lose that freedom.
If a man really loves you, no stuff how long you are together, he will accompany you hiking, seeing the sea, the stars, see at down, because he knows that you appetite a romantic hh
If a man really loves you, he would never clamored to tell you to cut corners, but this time you must go to healthy heaviness wastage, because the slender woman was pleasing . because your health namely his chief concern.
If a man really loves you, he does not linger in the network with other small crush sweet, because you have lots to talk about his love, how can that idea and additional nonsense.
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If a man really loves you, then you will be more essential than his vocation, he definitely will not occasion for an plea to evade you. If a man really loves you, he will not attach the customer to do the so-called so-called distraction, he would preferably not have this commerce .
If a man really loves you, he will love him favor family, love your family like that will esteem your family and friends.

experts say

Ship. Water. Sharks - house! house!Pirates. Ship. Water. Shark
mm house! House!
was to purchase a house, I asked: method to bear, do not purchase it, no house to live in alarm of higher hereafter inflation. Also, the fear of tickets in the hands of Mao that point, later inflation, devaluation, let lonely buy a house, living on the avenue have the possibility. ;
I am no economist, nor a real estate critic, professional people who engage in the daytime also lost 3 of five do, not to advert those of us ordinary people, are developers and the government threw baton Huyou , and not help you do not buy Shui to also thank the people, but also once again to buy a wheelchair for his comprehension issues that do not have to sit the body is not paralyzed. the real estate market is really a smoke, or a mist , Mo Buzhun, disturb. person factors also much into the hands too much. market in the mutilated state of the entire.
So, the idea of ​​the people is the final utmost, then the experts are shit, the Government does not talk credit, also regardless of the people live or dead. then, is to hike according to their own judgments it, fall into the trench, then wrong luck to forget while asked for admission.
accordance with normal market logic, all entities are in accordance with the parabolic in the fashion of evolution, by the time the goods, must emulate the most basic laws of the market goods. the stock market so, real estate is so,shanghai escort, the cause people understand approximately the.
But China's real estate is not the circumstance, it seems that a magnificent kin the daughter or the young main, ordinary people, For the developers and the government, some places are excitement. hyperactivity, absence of kidneys. obtaining younger, and work pressure are the downtown real estate, in array to house, in order to survive, one-third of an acre of floor in the desperately hard work, honestly acquired that several chink of coins, and then ambition to have a kennel, housing up and proceed to health but was completely looted attribute. Therefore, the size of the media that the premier of life is constantly fearful, taught automobile, high morale of the people annihilated early in the are right, but pragmatic? is not a renowned economist, also said the peregrination rush to the train should be in accordance with the laws of the market price? He never ride the exercise so he let him take a train migrant workers and those who attempt, alternatively make him not a cent for his long voyage to see he does not talk rubbish! why the real estate so that he does not all over to wail to be in consensus with the decrees of the market and not apparent pair intervention in the hand, he challenged to do?
If people are Investment speculators is the ; scalding, killing and looting, a wash One can imagine the color of the sea. this predatory clean the contaminated sea, and work under a violent sea. not a want, not the sea, where's the pirates? no water, but where's the boat? What is the role of water? What is the role the warship? What is the role of pirates? in the end the water to aid the Pirates and then to assist the boat? or pirates and the warship ; drips, as an ordinary inhabitant, , sleeping, when it can hear?
us up and sing melody immediately, I hope this is not illusion but reality.
hope that our public sentiment is to enjoy their families, society can be agreeable, well-being of the human to the state is promoted. it will no be anyone aggression against exotic aggressors the means of conquest and suppression. thin a hurry off their trail, the more it benefits from the people and more far, the people's interests, the consequences ambition be what our government ought not be a short-sighted businessmen, the government should be clear.
bus has a quite eye-catching public service ads, is charted for government charted to promote: the do it. Just as we promote this community that everyone loves him, and he has left us very far patriotic.
numerous countries, government is the service for the people, and our nation is just the people to government services. What we if the government really do someone for the people out?!
Information Index:
1, China's cost earnings ratio namely 3 apt 6 periods namely of developed countries, housing rental ratio (per square measure of usable zone of ​​the month hire and house prices per square meter of layer area ratio of among) extra than 400 periods, while the internationally adopted regular scope of 200 to 300 times.
2, present, Shanghai has 13 real estate sales prices exceed 10 yuan / square meter, around Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing and other cities the price of 3 yuan / square meters of projects abound, which are reflected in the severity of the real estate bubble.
3,1979 the meteorological and energy, Jiangsu Banking Regulatory Bureau Board longer than the naval educate that is more serious than the foam itself, is the lack of an efficient machinery for prohibition of bubble and social motivation. inhibiting the real estate bubble chiefly depend on the government's suppression of market speculation, Singapore, United Kingdom, Sweden and other countries have effective measures to restrain housing prices. one-sided knowing of some local the elementary approximate, and accordingly disallow the presentation of the real estate bubble has been the lack of social power, leading to 1993, from 2006 to 2007, 2009, the cyclical real estate bubble.
4, experts say, asset bubbles always burst countries in the earth without exception. from the United States the Internet bubble and the real estate bubble position, the duration of the bubble is often longer than people expected, but the bubble burst much faster than people expected.
5, the present economy has at present stabilized, the global economy is still inert period in the case of asset bubble, for China, not the Gospel. bubble accelerating expansion of the financial policy presently after the adjustment, social expectations alteration, the bubble could burst by any time, will move the positiveness of the market, family wealth detriment and detriment of assets of fiscal institutions will seriously influence the economy recovery.
6, a, ;; c, better than, the problem is completely opposed to fashionable faith, is not far away. in the location and interests, and real estate will be assembly, and deviates from the people. Any businessmen are mercenary, the opener is in the government if the benefits or dwindle its become a great, for the government has a lot of resources and means to play a role. the government would have a public service, if a deviation from this character,toronto escorts, causing great impair.
8, and adept analysis aboard the manufacture, skyrocketing housing prices in the Government bears can not shirk responsibility. regional government for the corruption in, have transform the paste that union.

China's yearly precipitation trends namely no obvious

Global warming Global warming refers to the period of period, the Earth's atmosphere and the phenomenon of rising ocean temperatures, mainly refers to the temperature heave caused along human elements. The cause is probably due to greenhouse gas emissions caused by excessive.
universal warming is a radiation, apparent light has a high degree of permeability, meantime the long-wave radiation reflected from the earth is extremely absorbent, it is often said that the to protect the Earth's climate system, will be greatly compressed
alive space where people are weather conditions when the temperature is higher than usual,it says, some people will think that the climate warming; while some places have become extremely cold, this is climate change Warm it? warming the earth in the end is not in it, what factors come into melodrama?
held recently in Beijing, Dr. Zhang Chengyi from greenhouse gas (GHG), temperature, precipitation patterns and the impact on the ecosystem, etc., to show us the technological evidence on climate change.
carbon dioxide thickens, Zhang said humans at mistake
means that the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and total amount are on the rise.
in the Antarctic, due to low temperature, sleet can not melt. snowfall collection will persist to restrain some of them air bubbles. Scientists drilling ice cores at differ depths specimen, extract the air bubbles, to diagnose the gas essay and the isotopic dating, the earth can be won in a kind of different historical times and atmospheric makeup change message. based on ice core data are obtainable, and immediately the Earth's atmosphere of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides and other greenhouse gas concentrations are the highest since the past 80 years.
Although modern cloudy carbon dioxide concentration is the maximum in almost 80 years, but its the same bit merit is not high. but can be deduced: the modern high concentrations of gaseous carbon dioxide generated chiefly from the age-old carbon. which is chapter of the combustion of carbon is buried in the floor from the generation of person age-old fossil oils. So high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than natural processes, but human emissions . research further accustomed that: the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the quondam 150 years and rising carbon emissions from human use of fossil fuels with the accord of the bend.
direct decision of the atmospheric results show that: It is now the Earth's surface concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide has been surpassed 380ppm (ie one million copies of the volume contains 380 carbon dioxide), the rising concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases, will surely improve its greenhouse achieve, to make warming. temperature increases, chronic on the Earth's surface air temperature
Direct instrumental analysis of data showed that: the past century from 1906 to 2005, global average surface temperature rise is 0.074 degrees Celsius per decade, from 1956 to 2005 5 years per ten-year warming trend of 0.128 degrees Celsius , close to the warming trbring an end to ... recent years to 2 times, from 1981 to 2005 twenty-five years per decade warming trend of 0.177 degrees Celsius, the warming trend for the past hundred years 2.4 times, showing a warming trend over time accelerating the momentum for.
lesson, there may also be superimposed on natural variability, there are some uncertainties.
warming will be further amplified in the future. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report that: to the end of the centenary Global average surface temperature will rise the maximum probable scope is 1.1m6.4 degrees Celsius, but still may be beyond or underneath this range. Even the maximum conservative estimate, is now to stop human emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, the greenhouse in the atmosphere from the new high gas concentrations can not be immediately dropped to the class before the industrial revolution, the Earth's temperature would still rise and rise of the most likely value is 0.8 degrees Celsius.
precipitation conditions, averaging extra wrong
Zhang said that the the globe has changed precipitation patterns, rainfall conditions chance needy, the contingency of massive rains and floods increased taint erosion was intensified state of affairs, the availability of precipitation falling.
nearly 100 years, China's daily precipitation trends is not obvious, but showed premonitory interannual and interdecadal oscillation. in the final century's and 80m90 30m40 upon regular rainfall years, other years rainfall. China's daily precipitation there is a clear regional inconsistencies, in recent 50 Years in China's northwardly, northeast and east and south, northwest and Asian regions of the annual precipitation there is a remove decline in the Yangtze River, Huaihe zone, South China and Northwest China there are more manifest in most of the increase in precipitation.
In fact, the Earth's ecosystems, category The relationship between very subtle, is varied. Because changes in the statute of biological development, it is likely to set up long-term mutation of the relationship between the category change, so that some category facing calamity. Britain, a learn suggests Great tits are migratory birds, spring migration to the UK every annual for propagating, edible is the UK rely aboard the local fruits of the spring flowering and fruiting plants. As the climate warming in recent years, while it arrived in Britain migration,toronto escort, those factories long flowering and fruiting, fruit intake for greatly dwindled, reasoning the bird's population dripped dramatically in recent years. Therefore, under the inspire of climate change, species change alternatively accustom to climate change, the relationship with additional species, or face the risk of extinction. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report in that, when the temperature is further additional 1m3 degrees Celsius, about 30% of species face extinction risk.
biological communities and ecosystems are also due to the geographical distribution climate warming and precipitation changes and their synergies to change. Zhangguangcai South China Heilongjiang Laotudingzi incline, m on the northern tilt of the mountain birch tundra conversion region, Mountain alpine area, have scrutinized the Ministry of woods trees in the online update boost in baby age, density of trees, tree species to climate warming for the overall upward trbring an end to ... migration.
of climate change on ecosystems will also exert a straight influence to change its framework and services. Finally, Zhang said the Italian said that the impact of climate change are many, some changes may have occurred earlier, while others may be later. But the human need to pay near attention to climate change, to take forcible amounts to adapt to and alleviate climate change, while dodging disadvantages, protect the Earth's climate system, the harmony between male and nature.
merely 26% of the young human concerned approximately air change
just ended in mid-May by the Cultural and Education Section British Embassy and the Science and Technology Daily The survey total of over 22,000 young professionals through networking, interviews and dispute groups in the form of participation, of which 97% of the respondents were students or serving commanders, 92% of the undergraduate pedagogy degree.
for this result, National Climate Center China Meteorological Administration, visitor speck, capital scientist Dr. Zhang Chengyi said: After reading the results of this survey namely a representative. but we kas long asclimate is no namely every of us lives a absence of resources, we can not depart the temperature to life, and this temperature is the nature invested free of charge to our climate. We kas long asin this process, the atmosphere contains greenhouse gases, the greenhouse gas to keep the Earth by an mean of negate 15 degrees Celsius, without the greenhouse gases, our survival space ambition be ziped greatly, not even. atmosphere stream, moisture evaporation from the oceans, we can not live without water, this is someone very important.
Therefore, we must foster environmental awareness, to disburse care to the real life environment, focus on our atmosphere,beijing massage, care to have a major clash on our lives of resources, I think this is the need to make efforts and cultivate an appearance.