Thursday, May 5, 2011

for a important wharf in eastward Guangdong Province

Second Tenth National People's Congress at the provincial Governor Huang Huahua the government go report at the East and West wings growing economic strength. Speed ​​up the ports, expressways, electricity and other infrastructure construction, improve the environment for development. Organize forces to the preparation of economic and social development arrange eastern and west wings. Give full activity to East and West wings location and resources, addition investment, to amplify non-public economy and the specifics of the economy, accelerate the development of port industry, promote the industrialization process. According to the spirit of the lecture Governor Huang, Raoping should seize this opportunity to build up the three an hundred Hong Kong (immediately understood as Chaozhou Hong Kong) of the building, to amplify port manufacture, makes Raoping economy to a higher class, and gradually accomplish the party's National Congress building a moderately prosperous society in the overall goal. This story above how to build up the three hundred the construction of the door to Hong Kong, to amplify port industry to make some debate.
one to scale up the construction of three hundred Hong Kong to promote economic development
Raoping give businesses the so-called Xing Kong, Hong Kong and bad trades black, this Hong Kong , City of dependency narratives and prevalent prosperity, has long been the ancient and modern Hong Kong, confirmed the history of the city. Similarly, a regional economic development, is inseparable from the port, which means that regional economic development as an opportunity to port development, port will promote economic prosperity and the prosperity of the region. Therefore, better comprehending of Hong Kong, prosperity dependent relationship between the city, under the port and its hinterland, the most availability of resources, develop plans, decide the function, phased construction, prosperity City, is a port a region decision-making issues can not be ignored.
1. three hundred and planning status of Hong Kong Harbor is located three hundred
Raoping Zhelin Bay south county, longitude 116057' -117 006 'north latitude and 23032' -23,039 '. 36 sea miles to Shantou, Xiamen, 98 sea miles to the, 308 sea miles from Guangzhou, 192 sea miles to Hong Kong to Kaohsiung, 186 sea miles. vehicle condition is superior; Hong Kong, close to sea routes, transport of goods by sea direct access to large, medium, small port and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other international ports. land transmission web, the National Highway 324 and Highway Shanfen with three paragraphs are from the port corner of the corridor of passing Guangmeishan Chaozhou has a large Beijing-Kowloon Railway operational railway connectivity, future connectivity of Guangdong, Fujian, through the southeast coast of Shantou, Chaozhou, Zhangzhou port from the brim of the railway all pass. and plans to build railway line in Hong Kong directly amplified to three hundred ports of Western Australia's largest port , alienate the merchandise to provide a very favorable conditions, the formation of well-developed highway transmission network of railway. three hundred from Shantou to Hong Kong Airport 40 km outside the sand can make full use of its wind transport network, and with the sea and land transport to form three-dimensional Direct transportation network around the world. With the land, sea and wind transport facilities and the gradual correction of infrastructure, three hundred Hong Kong as a transit port for goods leap to break through the traditional radiation area on the interlocking the world's major ports and the formation of new countries to the large radiation. based on three hundred Hong Kong has a such a great collection and delivery conditions and the hinterland of the new formation of large economic radiation, three hundred Hong Kong will become the eastward Guangdong, Fujian southwest, southeast Jiangxi variant important track out of the sea port.
Zhelin where three hundred Hong Kong Bay, east, north, west land surrounded on three sides, the south bay is the island of South Australia, bay, east, west sides flood Island, WA Island and seamount island, with good conditions for natural cover.
among the three Gulf islands, a natural deep channel out of the bay. Great Golden Gate channel length of 1800m, the deepest-9m; Little Kinmen channel length 1000m the deepest-9m; East door wide channel 400m, the deepest-6m. could serve as a channel into the port.
coastline Zhelin Bay planning area 58km, water 68km2, wide water area, with a long deep waterfront line for use. have a rational distribution of the conditions of port functions. coastline length and the waters have chamber for development.
In appending, since the construction of many Huanggang River water conservancy facilities, better taint and water conservation achieve, so that sediment into the Bay, a small rill. Zhelin Bay is irregular semidiurnal tide, high tide low tide faster than the speed, nor the phenomenon of severe erosion, siltation Bay waters slightly. This will greatly reduce the future maintenance of basin and channel costs, reduce production costs.
another, Zhelin Bay, especially the north shore of the east coast of the appropriate elevation of land, the land area and depth wide, which for the development of port industry and high-tech industrial and mercantile areas, all have a superior geographical conditions.
present, the port status for the three hundred 500-ton cargo berths Port 2, 1000 1-ton general cargo berth, the total width of 170 meters berth, quay depth of -4 m outlet depth of -5 m, the yearly capability 50 million tons. and a dedicated 5,000-ton receptacle berths and 3,000-ton berths, one each barn. northeastern Gulf of torrent 16,000-ton barge Island Anchorage 2, water depth -10 m , -8.4 m outlet depth.
Little Red Hill Zone has started an initial project to build 5,000-ton (10,000-ton hydraulic architectures) of two berths, a 10,000-ton berths, the chart capacity of 90 million by tons. Lion Bay Port Owen has built a 50,000-ton berths and 8 LPG stand square meters of LPG tanks. Chaozhou, Guangdong Datang three hundred chips of ponderous plant terminals and 7 tons of coal leveled pier began prelude engineering. In short, the construction of three hundred Hong Kong has started being.
three hundred Hong Kong plans to build five ports: three hundred ports, small Red Hill Port Bi-State Harbor, WA Port and the Golden Lion Bay Port. which is located in the Golden Lion Zhelin Bay Harbor Bay Port Bay, connecting sea, the ship's main entry into the Bay. Kinmen, close to major waterways, deep water conditions are good. for the planned construction of oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants are located. Planning for the bulk of the coal, oil, chemical and other special deep-water berths of the port. Western Australian port for the development of deep sea waters, the main berths and container berths completed, it will be three hundred largest comprehensive port in Hong Kong.
historical reasons, three hundred of its natural conditions and resources in Hong Kong has not been a good development, port construction are still being started, can no needs of economic development. how to scale up construction, proposed the following measures and suggestions.
2. scale up port construction measures and suggestions for the development is of overriding importance
.2003 *** April 10 General Secretary visited Zhanjiang Hong Kong, proposed to play to our strengths, seize opportunities and sort out development of the momentous instructions, the nation's ports are in accordance with the requirements of the General Secretary, with regional, local train, detailed learn carefully their own strengths and weaknesses of the opportunities and challenges, and develop new ideas of their own development, the mended development strategies and development goals. especially the coastal ports is driving a new round of construction boom, and strive to achieve leapfrog development of new port. In this situation, how to manner the sustainable development of port capacity, and how wreck the obstruction restricting the development break out of, how to optimize resource allocation and port port interior and outer environment, port authorities and port business leaders at all levels need to make great efforts to solve important problems.
⑴ strengthen port resource management, Hong Kong (three hundred Hong Kong) general planning planning, rational distribution, depth, use either and live in west wings of the preparation of economic and social development planning, east and west wings full advantage of location and resources, increase investment Japan, Tokyo Bay and its Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong within the Outer Harbour Tokyo Yokohama port, 30 kilometers away from both. remains between the two Kawasaki Hong Kong, in addition to Chiba. These are world-famous port, but the department is differ, Tokyo, Hong Kong for the port, Yokohama, Hong Kong is the world notable industrial and commercial container port, Port of Kawasaki, Chiba, compared with typical industry in Hong Kong. Therefore, in an area, along to location and economic development, various port development will be greatly .
⑵ administration has introduced preferential policies to encourage the development of industrial projects, and enhance the port and promote large-scale ore, coal, petrochemical and other large bulk unpacking terminal mansion.
Chaozhou, Guangdong Datang Power Plant 70,000 tons three hundred level coal terminal and 5-ton liquefied petrol gas terminal Owen is a precedent for the hereafter, more such enterprises should aspire to perch down and the terminal.
⑶ adhere to the port of investment diversification and increase investment, encouraging foreign and private enterprises investment in port construction and operation, and actively quest domestic and foreign shipping enterprises to invest in the development, improvement of investment in construction and operation of multiple systems to form the port.
more pricey because the port infrastructure, port construction fund raising is a very intricate and difficult task. can be considered citizen, local, corporate to do everything; can be considered in the capital, foreign, private-owned joint; can consider investing in gold, to the policy, offered services; also be considered for grants, loans, financing and other financing for three-dimensional integrated reach to solve Port construction requires a lot of capital and nation-building problem of insufficient fiscal resources. intention is to mobilize all positive factors for the port construction to provide a reliable assure of funds.
⑷ athletic through the relevant channels to apply for central funds for perquisite, and queried for Province Government financial support given to the public terminal building.
dual presidency over the port, and now they have all been delegated to local management, but for port construction, and capital grants, the same as the last local port, it should enjoy a central fund subsidies, can for proposals through Congress. canal construction and management of the provincial government is a capital pension, as a major port in eastern Guangdong Province, it should support, through the civic government to actively fight.
⑸ access to make an inventory of replacement land can be accustomed if asset, raise funds to establish a current wharf. In short, the new extremity namely completed, the terminus range of land (proper number) can be builders as development. and there are numerous plan issues, of course, the relevant departments to bring an end to ... the verification and approval.
In short, the Government should introduce land, taxation, market access, regulatory fees of various policy measures to attract a sufficient supply of corporate participation in ports and port industries such as construction, the formation of multiple investors, diversified business, competitive and orderly port market, accelerate the port development.
Second, relying on the port, to develop port industry
to the Second Session of the Tenth Provincial People's Congress proposed in the government work report; to industrialization as the gist, to open as a discovery, investment , Neiyinwailian, distend and strengthen the county economy. to fully organize the county government's affirmative economic development in counties and initiative. Raoping should be relying on the port, to develop port industry.
can be looked from the on, three hundred Hong Kong , silence waters of the extensive, deep water conditions are good, basins and waterways have to be tapped, appropriateness building 5 to 10 ton deep water port. Golden Lion at Bay Harbor can be built 10 to 30 tons of large deep-water pier.
so accelerate the development of three hundred Hong Kong, pay close attention to improvement of infrastructure, development of port industry, the development of port industry as a county government prerogative for future work, give full play to advantages of deep-water port, relying on deep water resources to attract large projects, pedaled by large projects big industry, big industry to shove the county economy and create new advantages for development.
1. and foreign development of port industrial model
three hundred can refer to China's port industry in Hong Kong, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Taiwan Kaohsiung, Marseille, France and Japan, Kashima new deepwater port construction and other large models to the petrochemical, power, smelting and other pillar industries. the deep-water port to attract good prospects for the development of a number of large capacity, high throughput industrial projects based presence .
China Ningbo Port in the seventies of last century ahead the only local middling and small ports, and then gradually opening up and reform the development of new ports, use of regional advantages, the development of the port industry. At the same time to promote the port of Ningbo city government also invested a gainful industrial construction policies, chiefly in land, government procedures and other aspects of relief and quickly to achieve long-term returns. At present,beijing escort, Ningbo port industry after 20 years of development, has become the petrochemical, steel, electricity, mechanism, paper, automobiles systems such as heavy industry.
Taiwan Province of China, established in 1959, export-oriented export-oriented economic policy, the 5 largest international trade port - Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung, Hualien and Suwo accelerated pace of construction in Hong Kong , in particular the expansion of Kaohsiung and Keelung attention by the Taiwan authorities, and some medium-sized petrochemical, steel, shipbuilding, cordless power enterprises are condensed in Kaohsiung and Keelung. Lingang greatly accelerate the development of industrial regions in Taiwan the degree of modernization of the port.
Kaohsiung Harbor, the harbor area of ​​26.8 square kilometers, including a land area of ​​14.4 square kilometers, the waters among the port area of ​​12.4 square kilometers, the harbor depth of 16 meters, great deep water port. At present, Taipower, the Taiwan Railway, Taiwan's major shipping companies are concentrated in the Kaohsiung Harbor Industrial Zone.
abroad in the use of port development and construction of urban areas, Marseille, France, called the asylum is the usual prototype. With the affair, commerce and the rise and development of marine industry, Marseille, France gradually developed into the largest trading port, in the meantime as France's second largest port metropolis. Marseille to rely on foreign trade to the port logistics base established near the port of oil refineries, chemical factories and iron factories, will import raw matters into achieved productions and then shipped out. At present ships, fuel cultivating, metallurgy has convert the three economic pillars of Marseille. Marseille about refining capacity refinery in France about a quarter of total production. petrochemical industry also has a large percentage. Marseille, France's largest ship fix as a base for repairing the citizen total number of about 70%.
Japan is the island over the lack of resources, all in great quantities by the port building port industry, the Japanese economy ranks second in the world.
hundred Hong Kong is now in the initial stage,beijing massage, the number and size can not be compared with them, but the pattern and the way ahead is to learn. Province Daya Bay, Huizhou Port is a vacant original, now take off, the CNOOC and Shell Nanhai petrochemicals project has been started, 12 million tons refinery project in Huizhou CNOOC is also after hours be fired. Maoming Port in Kaohsiung where the quondam is now the same is also formative the port and attract large projects, it is academic, the Guangdong Power Group has been narrow investment of 200 billion Hong Kong Harbor Industrial Zone in Maoming Building 6 900,000 kilowatts power plant; Sinopec annual output of 1,000 tons of investment and construction of plants and 4.3 million cubic meters of oil oil The oil keep base; total investment of 300 million million-ton smelting base has acknowledged. So, is Mr. Lu said, the road is people bring an end to ....
2. more and more the construction of the port industry and measures
⑴ accommodate their considering, re-positioning
should be entirely conscious of the real Raoping can play a colossal role in promoting economic development, the avails alternatively the port. To do this: first, highlighting the basis for the development of Hong Kong to Hong Kong Xing Raoping. Raoping matchless conveniences into full play to the development of the port development and construction as the converge of the work Raoping, to recognize the whole county is to accelerate the development and construction of the port and hope for the revitalization of the economy Raoping. Second, correct positioning, technological planning and logical development. three hundred ports on the overall resources of the circumstance, for of the industry, system salver aid functions to consider the layout of the circling zone. In the overall arrangement and planning beginning point have to be lofty, look distant, for lofty technology, the development potential of the investment projects located in Raoping, domestic and diplomatic specialists should be invited to an overall development and construction of port feature, position and supporting the planning, development and long-term planning and instant rational arrangements to think the system salver. According to the layout and implementation arrangements for project construction.
three hundred deep-water shoreline and land in Hong Kong from the following functional layout consider:
a. stamina storage and transportation of crude oil and refined oil, processing and transit base;
b. timber, ore and other bulk cargo transshipment base;
c. construction of a large ship repair plant base;
d. interim arsenal and transportation of coal at home and abroad, and power base.
⑵ ideas, break the customary, to more and more development efforts.
should alteration conceptions, breakthroughs in the development of normal speed, more and more the development of three hundred ports in Hong Kong. The premier is the liberation of the big minds, huge change. the port development and construction for the cardinal task, the entire county into a 3 hundred provide in Hong Kong, primarily the aim to build large berth 3 hundred companies in Hong Kong, and the investment of several billion yuan in the project, the introduction of Raoping to unconditional talks, so the premier step behind into the first service charge , the first sequence of compromises to preoccupy compensation policies and fathom, and make the project located in the three hundred Hong Kong, only the far-sighted, to seize the opportunity to hasten the development of the port construction, development of port industries. recently raised the province to pile up things the development of wings is a agreeable time, Raoping should seize this chance for development.
⑶ pile up the construction of supporting infrastructure
we all know, port construction, port construction industries need water, electricity, Road. electricity, three hundred Chaozhou in Guangdong Datang Power has laid the foundation stone, the first unit had been put into action in 2006, power supply problems are a good solution. road publish with the three highway segments in the surrounding Shanfen passed, but how to receive the Golden Lion Harbor Bay Harbor and Western Australia should pay close attention to planning and design, through the relevant channels as presently as possible so that the two ports as soon as possible advantage. water supply, good Huanggang River Raoping , but have a decisive measure of water plant, the problem must advance the construction of future water supply to the ports and factories.
Highway runs through the county north-south coastal line pit, Bedford line, tea on the line, which is Port Distributing the main channel, yet also links the main channel the county industrial area, especially as three hundred Tai Po, Hong Kong's main cargo the main channel, the current road level is still relatively low, should be through the parties, and gradually increase the level of the road so that it can truly play Harbour, lead to the role.
the afterward wave of Zhang Shan railroad through, and how to way the port's problems should also be taken seriously.
⑷ focus on personnel training, to encounter new challenges < br> In the modern port economic development, artist is the aptitude to port championship to obtain a key element. to create an enabling emphatic aptitude, expertise and resources and telling mechanism to scale up port construction and treatment of the training, for a kind of forms, vigorously training to main advanced science and technology and construction, treatment of wisdom, innovation and ability to adapt to economic development, port construction, treatment workers, especially senior workers exercise compound for the port development and construction of port industry has laid a firm basis.
With Huafeng 5-ton liquefied petroleum gas terminal built in Chaozhou, Guangdong Datang Power Plant three hundred pre-project started three hundred construction of port and port industry has turned a new sheet, I believe that in the province to speed up things wings beneath the rule of construction, economic construction Raoping new steps will be taken.
Raoping the marine environment and the economy continues to coordinate the development of
Abstract Based on the information, analysis Raoping physical geography, the marine environment, ecological resources and economic development, pointed out that the offshore disturbed by human activities, including land reclamation, construction of embankment dams, overfishing, aquaculture overload, as well as industrial development and domestic sewage, etc., leading to increasing degradation of marine ecological environment, biological lower variety, fisheries resources, reduce the occurrence of red tide frequency increased, on human health and the sustainable development of biological resources adversely affected; should take steps to remediation Zhelin Bay, strengthen waters management, attention to coastal eco-environmental protection, scientific planning and rational utilization of marine environment and assure the coordinated development of social economy.
1. Geography resources and social economic silhouette
Raoping in Fujian and Guangdong border (longitude 116? 5 '~ 117? 1', latitude 23? 8 '~ 24? 4'), lying north to south, northwest hills, between the Valley and the basin, the southeastern coastal plain of the highland and alluvial. County north to south and 95 km, from east to west 31 km, the total area of ​​2203 km2, including land area 1670 km2, is the most warmhearted Chaoshan county area; mountainous county accounted for more than 70% of land area, arable land accounts for only 15.8%; mountains and the sea,classmates and friends who gave me the blessing of a nice period, elongated strip, like riding a sea-sailing, fluttered in the breeze, reflect the the ancient and easy Raoping industrious and gallant people, through the waves, the spirit of spunk, narrated as magnificent, Hao pneumatic breast has 17 small islands, reefs 8; sea area of ​​533km2, 57 million acres of shallow shoals; into a tropical, warm moderate transition zone, both tropical and subtropical bright ample solar radiation, have a mild climate; 2140 hours of daylight, frost-free phase 349 days, the average temperature 21.4oC; monsoon significant rainfall, annual rainfall of 1475.9 mm. Huanggang River from the territory into the water, length of 87.2km, the average annual runoff for the m3, through 12 towns, The flow through into the county town of East China Sea, there is influx of Han River Mountain region, Rongjiang and other rivers, to the coastal waters brings a cloud of nutrients, paired with the increased flow of Taiwan Bank, Fujian and Zhejiang coastal current collection of cross impact , coastal ecological environment appropriate for various types of growth and reproduction of marine creatures, either tropical and subtropical species, but also warm-temperate species, biological community structure diversification, higher productivity of marine life, rich in biological resources. marine biological resources are fish, shrimp , snails, and other 400 varieties. major economic species are aquatic eel, grouper, shrimp, crabs, abalone, oysters, muck clam, Clam other.
Zhelin Raoping have high sand courtyard three large bay, the port 13. Zhelin Bay Harbour to the largest area of ​​68 square kilometers, equivalent to Shantou Port, surrounded by seamounts, flood Island,shenzhen massage, WA islands surrounded by a large Kinmen South, East and West Little Kinmen Export Channel 3 , Bay lying outside the barrier islands of South Australia with the wind and waves, deep water Gulf of calm, can pass over ship tons of ship. Zhelin the history of Hong Kong is the first in East Guangdong foreign trade overseas trade and immigration deep water port. Zhelin Bay is located in the western The three hundred Hong Kong the country opening up a class port, with 5 tons of grade 3 kiloton, 1 kiloton Pier 1 each, 1.6-ton barge anchorage 9. initial investment of 11.6 billion Chaozhou three hundred plant construction has entered a substantive stage. irrigation and water conservancy facilities have invested 41.2 million yuan, with emphasis on the Tangxi Reservoir, Cheng Wai related with high sand sluice Rao, Huanggang river embankments in paragraph three comprehensive improvement Rao, Stones Tai Tai seawalls and dikes, and 24 east ponds and reservoirs for reinforcement.
21 county jurisdiction of the town, with a total population of 95 million people, economy and social enterprises are speeding up the county .2002 achieved a GDP of 6.13 billion yuan, up 29.4% over 1997; the total 133,500 tons of aquatic products worth 998 million yuan, accounting for 26.5% of the county agricultural output; rustic per capita net income 3332 yuan, about more than 1997 net increase of 8%. Raoping marine industry is competitive industries, now the county has formed from the beach into the shallow water, from the seabed to the surface, low-value species from extensive to intensive high-value species intensive, large-scale, three-dimensional pattern of agriculture, and built a shrimp, eels, marine fish cage culture and shellfish such as the 4 breeding base. area of ​​nearly 10 million mu of aquaculture, cage culture of 45,000 cells, production of nearly 10 million tons. a marine fish, Room 83 shrimp culture seedlings, cultivating high-quality water in fish and shrimp seedling 500 million. a greater scale, 14 fish processing enterprises, processing capacity of nearly ten thousand tons per year, chilly storage and processing enterprises 54. wide range of marine industry relative three capital Level 6, 15 county level, by the Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award 4. now emerge more scientific and technological strength is still weak.
2. Sea economic development impact on the marine nature
Raoping is a mountain-based agricultural county, regardless of the economic base, or technological forces have become relatively weak by far hardly not large-scale industry, the impact on the marine environment, mainly from domestic sewage and human activities, including offshore cage culture, ports, maritime transport, etc.; except porcelain and ceramics, tea, some of the most concentrated in the coastal areas of small and medium industries, including food factories, granite sheet plant, food machinery factory, oxygen pump plant, fishing factories, oil tanks, aquatic plants, silk plants, Clothing, Embroidery factory, industrial sewage in the coastal sea areas somewhat increased the pressure on the environment.
main coastal towns are: East China Township, Zhe Town, Jing 洲镇, the sea port town, and three hundred Economic Development test area, the total population of 32 million people in 1999, covers an area of ​​about 200 km2, located in the southern Raoping form of economic development of coastal industrial strap. In addition, there is a large courtyard town, the town, Dong Qian, also endangered waters.
Huanggang Raoping county town is the location of Zhaoan County in Fujian Province bordering the east and the south China Sea Zhelin Bay three hundred ports and strategic location, transportation is very convenient, connecting Xiamen, Shantou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou City the gold zone, Fujian and Guangdong provinces has forever been an important distribution center for the exchange of goods, the total area of ​​84.3 square kilometers town the year 1999 the total population of 17.7 million people in the town, has been formed based on agriculture, industry as the main export-oriented as Key economic landscape. is particularly rich in aquatic resources, shrimp, eel, muck clam, mud crab and other well known at home and abroad. town of existing eel ponds, 1,500 acres, 8,500 acres of shrimp ponds, shallow beach of 1.2 hectares. As the population is concentrated, sewage expelled into the handy river through the East China Sea, on the adjacent waters caused some detrimental effects of the ecological environment.
Zhelin Town is located in Fujian and Guangdong border, and adjacent to the county town of Huanggang, surrounded by the sea, approach Chaozhou Hong Kong. The total area of ​​the town 12.3 square kilometers, population 1.7 million. Zhelin Town is the largest town in the maritime fishery product, the main town more than 9900 workmen, of which more than 8,000 people busy in fishery production, known as the alive from the sea to fish for food is known; current The town has more than 20,000 marine aquaculture cage grid, area of ​​2300 mu, 1,500 mu of waterfront shellfish aquaculture, shrimp harvesting area of ​​1360 mu, abalone body of 22,000 cubic meters of water; civilization seedlings of field 8, the annual propagating more than 5500 tails; fishing vessels more than 60 containers; town of over 15,000 tons of total fisheries production, the output value of nearly 1 billion. Kinmen breeding pedestal in Guangdong Province, one of the largest bottom of imprison culture, aquaculture category are groupers, Golden butterfish, yellowtail fish, sea bass, sea bream and so on. Zhelin southwest of the town in Hong Kong, Guangdong Province, one of the altitude ten fishing ports. port has a fish wharf, the mart and freezing other supporting facilities, Hong Kong, Macao and other places and by the southeast coast provinces (municipalities) of fishing vessels, businessman normal parking Zhelin Hong Kong. Zhelin Bay is a semi-closed estuary, water exchange with the outdoor globe restricted to the Bay River and south of the northeast turn of East China's three gulf. which is located from the East China Creek to The most wide central gulf constitute a straight Bay of runoff from land appearance the channel, which is Zhelin Bay water exchange with the outside earth the main channel. but 90 annuals since the 20th centenary, to develop marine cage culture, on the one hand hindered Bay, outside the water exchange, on the other cage culture to increase their own tempt and consume collection, together with the nigh population density, frequent human activities, deserving to reduced water exchange, the nigh area and the Bay of land-based sources of sewage reasoned by aquaculture Zhelin Bay of nutrients increased. According to Zhou Kai and other studies show that the 2001-2002 survey, such as seawater dissolved inorganic nitrogen,shanghai massage, phosphorus and silicon were 27.38,1.26 annual mean, 44.06-μm ol / L, in which inorganic nitrogen content of more than three types of water quality standards, significantly higher than in before years (2000 dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon annual mean respectively 22.64,1.95,59.7-μm ol / L), nitrogen content additional 20.9%. NH4-N, NO2- N and DIP and other content are increased, environmental degradation, constantly incidence of ruddy tide, which is the problem need to disburse near attention.
Jing 洲镇 located at longitude 116? 0 'north latitude and 23? 7', with a total area of ​​42.6 square kilometers, with a total population of 5.6 million people. town rich in marine resources, 10.5 km long coastline, beach water 5 acres, an area of ​​2.6 acres of freshwater aquaculture. located in the southeastern town associated Wai Cheng Rao, within a fish crab pond 1 million acres, Cage culture 10000. rich in oysters, known as Hong Kong and Taiwan; major seafood there are shrimp, blue crab, clam beads, shell, grouper, sea bass, Han fish, pomfret, etc. Gold is the eastern and the southern region of the main distribution center for aquatic shellfish. Cheng Rao Alliance around the exchange feud, cage culture density, the more serious deterioration of water quality.
sea frame town is located in Fujian, Guangdong and southern coastal Raoping, longitude 116? 9 ', latitude 23? 1' aggregate land area of ​​49.6 square km, with a absolute population of 70,000 human, is the only isle town of Chaozhou City, and South Island along the sea, a distance of about 4 marine miles. Sea town of geographical conditions, wealthy natural resources, 34 km of coastline, there are 1.4 million acres of superficial water shoals; current aquaculture has taken fashion, shrimp, grouper, seaweed and other seafood prestigious. has the rare, magnificent research amount, up to 3.5 kilometers, an area of ​​1,650 acres of alluvial rock shell, phoned ; Penglai surprises Zhelin for Northeast Bay, bordering to the northwest United Rao Cheng Wai, afflicted along human activities, the ecological environment of meager quality.
three hundred Port Economic Development Experimental Zone 7 in 1993, the period ratified the establishment of the Guangdong Provincial Government, Raoping county in Fujian and Guangdong border in the West, an area of ​​10.73 square kilometers, south three hundred new port terminals, with the unique advantages of investment in development and construction. However, as maritime transport, campaign of vessels, aquaculture and related industries in the Gulf of development, to neighboring great oppression on marine ecological environment.
short, as the coastal economy (especially industrial and mining enterprises) development, offshore marine ecological environment has become more degraded, it is a refutation on the one hand; and once in to the sea to land pile Shi Dai, Red Hill Tai, Cheng Rao coupler circumference, large sea into the land. This is not just one area of ​​the marine area to reduce the impact of the problem, more importantly, the normal currents, fish migration routes were tear off , fish feeding, spawning, habitat and reproductive growth of sites perish, a lot of outcast types of high-quality seafood, as the original Huanggang estuary, Jing bay these fine ...

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